International Clinical Trials Day - Healthcare researchers speak of their gratitude for trial volunteers

Healthcare scientists at Keele’s Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) have offered their profound thanks to the thousands of participants that have contributed to vital medical trials at the University.
As the world faces the global coronavirus pandemic, the importance of robust healthcare research has become more apparent than ever, particularly clinical trials which have been fast-tracked as scientists try to find a vaccine.
Clinical trials like these are a pivotal part of the pioneering healthcare research which takes place at Keele, investigating new treatments for conditions like musculoskeletal pain, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis and gout, as well as mental health, and renal conditions.
Now, to mark International Clinical Trials Day 2020 on May 20th, researchers involved in these trials at Keele have offered their thanks to the thousands of people that have volunteered to take part in this research.
Keele CTU supports the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of clinical trials and other high quality clinical research studies.
Since it received full accreditation from the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) in 2012, the unit has supported 66 research studies, including 35 randomised controlled trials, in order to improve treatments and therapies for patients and the NHS staff administering them.
Since 2012 nearly 55,000 participants have taken part in this research, and over 11,600 have taken part in a clinical trial.
Professor Gillian Lancaster, Director of Keele CTU said: “We are delighted that this special work is celebrated once a year on International Clinical Trials Day, and in particular we acknowledge the essential contribution made by patients who volunteer to be part of these studies. This enables crucial research to continue into new healthcare practices that benefit the NHS and those who will use their services in the future.
“In these difficult times as we navigate our way through the coronavirus pandemic patient participation is even more vital so that we can quickly find effective treatments and a vaccine to defeat it. So I would like to send a heartfelt big thank you to all those who take part in research, past, present and future - we cannot do it without you.”
To mark International Clinical Trials Day, Keele CTU are also holding a number of online activities to celebrate the occasion.
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