
Angie has a BSc in Geography, and an MSc in Marine Resource Management. Prior to joining the team at Keele, she spent 10 years working in local government. Her first job was as a Countryside Ranger looking after numerous sites and managing volunteer parties. From here she moved into the field of Local Agenda 21 and became a Senior Sustainability Officer working on a wide portfolio of projects from policy creation and planning through to community projects focussed on climate change. She moved on from local government and qualified as a Garden Designer (DipGD) creating a number of private, RHS and community gardens with a focus on local food production and plants with biodiversity benefits. She also worked for the Wildlife Trusts and Learning through Landscapes. She delivered teaching to a wide range of audiences and ran the national citizen science Polli-Nation research project, which engaged over 200 schools across the UK in identifying species and improving their grounds for specific pollinator groups (

She is in the final phase of her PhD at Keele which focusses on reconstructing relict ice margins linked to the last glaciation in the UK. This uses a multidisciplinary approach to explore inland glacial deposits, with a focus on geochemistry and sedimentology.

Research and scholarship

Angie is co-ordinating the BioGain project at Keele University. Funded by the QR Policy Fund in 2022, this project aims to baseline and monitor the above- and below-ground biodiversity at the Low Carbon Energy Generation Park on campus, exploring opportunities for enhancing biodiversity and soil health on such sites.


Angie has taught in the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, and the School of Life Sciences since 2019. This has mainly been within the field of physical geography, environmental science, sustainability, ecology and biodiversity. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Authority and has a PG Cert in Teaching in Higher Education.


School of Geography, Geology and the Environment
William Smith Building
Keele University