Our levels of operation

At the start of the pandemic we implemented a five-stage system (similar to the Government’s alert system) to define what studying, living, and working at Keele would be like for the 2020/21 and 2021/22 academic years. Each stage outlines which facilities and services will be open, and to what extent, and our approach to teaching and research.

Our current level of operation: Level 1

Banner level 1


Education icon

research icon

Accommodation icon

Campus services icon
Campus services

Student services / SU

Direction to staff

National lockdown icon National Lockdown

Following the prevailing government guidelines. Following the prevailing government guidelines. Following the prevailing government guidelines. Following the prevailing government guidelines. Following the prevailing government guidelines. All but essential service staff must follow 'stay at home' legal restrictions.

Level 5 side Level 5

Mainly online, with separate arrangements for NHS placements, lab and clinical training. Essential Covid-19 related research and activities permissible within prevailing legal restrictions. Following prevailing legal restrictions to limit / prevent mixing of households. All essential services available. All services available within permitted regulations, with on-line and emergency on-call arrangements in place. All but essential service staff must follow 'stay at home' legal restrictions.

Level 4 side Level 4

Blended approach with both on-line and in situ small group delivery. Laboratory, clinical skills and practice sessions resume, with full covid-secure arrangements in place, in-line with government guidance to the sector. Return of research activities requiring access to laboratories and facilities, including the return of PGR students requiring these facilities. Small households of no more than 8 in on campus accommodation following prevailing guidelines relating to interactions between households. Covid Secure core services available to all, in line with prevailing government requirements regarding provision of services. Covid Secure services available to all, in line with prevailing government requirements regarding provision of services. Observance of 'work from home where you can' guidance.

Level 3 side Level 3

Blended approach with both on-line and in situ small group delivery. Laboratory, clinical skills and practice sessions continue, with full covid-secure arrangements in place, in -line with government guidance to the sector. All staff and PGR student research requiring access to facilities permissible within prevailing legal restrictions / guidelines. Following prevailing legal restrictions (up to 6 people or 2 households). Covid Secure core services available to all, in line with prevailing government requirements regarding provision of services. All services available within permitted regulations, including inside hospitality, organised sports and indoor recreation / classes. Observance of 'work from home where you can' guidance.

Level 2 side Level 2

No planned changes to the delivery of teaching and learning. All staff and PGR student research requiring access to facilities permissible within prevailing legal restrictions / guidelines. No specific restrictions beyond any prevailing government guidance / legal restrictions. Covid Secure campus services available to all, in line with prevailing government requirements regarding provision of services. Delivery of Covid Secure essential face-to-face services, with some services online. Agile working with a mix of campus and remote working.

Level 1 side Level 1 

No restrictions. No restrictions. Full return to normal accommodation levels. Full return to normal operations. Full return to normal operations. No restrictions, with embedded agile working