Species and varieties in the National Collection of Flowering Cherries at

Keele University

Prunus 'Ito-kukuri'

Sato-zakura Group

Prunus 'Ito-kukuri'

Prunus 'Itu-kukuri'

syn. P. serrulata f. fasciculata, P. lannesiana ‘Fasciculata’

This is an old cherry recorded in Japan from 1681 in the Edo Period. Its name means ‘bunch of threads’ (kukuri - bundle or bunch, ito - threads). The flowers are grouped as fascicles (bundles of flowers at the end of the branches) of up to 7 blossoms.

It forms an umbrella shaped tree c. 10-15 m high. Young leaves are yellowish-green to brownish. It is late flowering with 4 - 5 flowers in a corymb with deep pink buds opening to pale pink double flowers c.5 cm across.

Diploid set of chromosomes (2n = 16)

Manual of Japanese Flowering Cherries No. 82


  • A mature tree on the ring-road by the Covert; Square K5, tag 3384. Planted in 1960s.
  • One in the Memorial Garden, square K11, tag 4387. Planted in November 2024.