Species and varieties in the National Collection of Flowering Cherries at

Keele University

Prunus 'Dream Catcher'

Prunus 'Dreamcatcher'

Prunus 'Dreamcatcher' Bred in the eastern USA at the US National Arboretum, Washington DC. Selected by Dr Donald Egolf from field trials of open pollinated seed of P. x incam ‘Okame’ in 1984. One seedling was selected and released in March 1999.

It forms an upright vase-shaped tree to 6m tall and c.5m across. Flowers are large, clear, medium-pink and single, opening in late March-early April. The leaves are dark green, showing good autumn colour. It produces small, black fruits and is hardy.


  • One between Church Plantation and the running track; Square H6; Tag 4177. Planted in 2011.