Each month in the Research at Keele newsletter, we profile a different colleague involved in research at Keele. For July 2024, we spoke to Ed de Quincey, Professor of Computer Science.

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A new study led by a Keele University research team has found that deaf toddlers fitted with cochlear implants interact with their parents just as well as their hearing peers.

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Social media and online communities can play a crucial role for owners searching for their stolen pets, researchers have revealed, both in physically tracking them down and as a source of comfort after their loss.

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A study of more than 9,000 people who were in work before the pandemic has found that people with Long Covid are at three times higher risk of leaving employment compared to those without Covid symptoms.

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Researchers have called for an international consensus to address not just job “quantity”, but job “quality” by providing “decent work” opportunities to create a thriving labour market in the UK and around the world.

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