Integrated Clinical Academic Training (ICAT)

Academic research is an exciting and fast-growing career pathway for clinicians. Integrated Clinical Academic Training (ICAT) is a specially designed programme of training and mentoring, supported through National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funding.
ICAT is a programme of training and support, designed for clinicians undertaking academic careers. It provides undergraduate opportunities and postgraduate professional career pathways in both medicine and dentistry.‌

The Integrated Clinical Academic Training programme is designed for academic medical, dental and allied health professionals.

This programme gives you a coherent training and career pathway which integrates the development of your research skills with each of the key stages of your clinical academic career.

All UK trainees are required to follow a 2 year Foundation Programme and it is possible to combine this with research by applying for Academic Foundation Training.

Once you have completed your Foundation training and have decided which discipline you wish to follow, there are opportunities within your specialist training to combine your work with academic work or research. These opportunities include:

ICAT Lead for Keele is Professor Joanne Protheroe ( and the Programme Co-ordinator is Olena Cresswell (