
BMJ Specialty: Paediatrics

eMedicine Paediatric Topics

Cardiac Disease & Critical Care Medicine / Developmental & Behavioral / General Medicine / Genetics & Metabolic Disease / Surgery

European Resuscitation Council Guidelines

Hands on Scotland - a toolkit of resources aimed at anyone working with children and young people. The resource includes tips on communication, techniques, advice and video clips and covers a variety of topics such as anger, toileting, habits, life events and sleep

Medline Plus Children & Teenagers 

PedsCCM - paediatric critical care website; a collaborative, independent, information resource and communication tool for professionals caring for critically ill and injured infants and children.

Partners in Paediatrics (PiP) - a grouping of child health care providers covering the area bounded by the regional centres of Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Nottingham (includes several Staffordshire trusts). Aims to improve the quality and accessibility of services for children across these areas.

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) - contains a wide variety of resources with particular emphasis on the MRCPCH

Spotting the Sick Child - online learning interactive, multimedia objects aimed at students and healthcare professionals (registration required)

Books are available on our catalogue; start searching for these subjects:

  • Children
  • Pediatrics