Applications of AI
We have significant expertise and interests in innovations and applications of AI, machine learning (ML) and data science methods.
Relevant expertise in our School includes:
- Computational mathematics and statistics
- Deep reinforcement learning
- Digital twins
- Echo state networks
- Evolutionary intelligence
- Explainable and responsible AI
- High performance and parallel computing techniques
- Human-AI interaction
- Innovative recurrent and convolutional neural networks
- ML-enabled IoT anomaly detection
- Physics-informed ML
- Privacy-preserving federated learning
- Probabilistic and non-probabilistic classification and regression techniques
- Reduced order models
- Time series analysis
Collaborations and contributions
We collaborate across disciplines and domains, and with partners in academia, industry and enterprise. We also work with UK and international institutions and policy makers, and we have contributed to national and international standards. Additionally, we have strong connections across our university campus with The Digital Society Institute and The Institute for Sustainable Futures as well as the Institutes of Social Inclusion and Global Health, and we collaborate with researchers in Medicine and Health Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Psychology and Geography amongst others. We have delivered many invited seminars and talks for the Keele Data Science Network and for AI-related conferences and events including The Alan Turing Institute Inaugural Showcase. We also have many links with other UK and overseas academic and industrial partners.
Our research is externally funded by Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) and the Alan Turing Institute. This funding supports our research activities including PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, equipment, events, and staff time. Examples of current and recent funded research projects with external academic and industrial partners include:
- Bentley Motors Ltd (KTP)
- TMT First Ltd (KTP)
- Siemens Healthineers and Swansea University (EPSRC CASE Award Studentship)
- Projects funded by EPSRC responsive mode (EP/V009028/1), (EP/R002134/2) grants with The University of Manchester
- Turing Network Development Award
Some of the current application areas where our AI, ML and data science knowledge is being applied include:
- Automotive and industrial applications
- Biological data analysis
- Cyber security
- Electromagnetic inverse problems including classification in metal detection problems
- Financial time series
- Flood defence asset management
- Forensic entomology GCMS analysis
- Healthcare and patient monitoring including cardiovascular health, bone cancer prognosis, skin cancer detection, cancer diagnosis using VOC analysis, stoke recovery prediction and amputee prosthesis controllers
- Medical imaging
- Structural health monitoring
- Smart energy
- Sustainable and precise farming
- Veterinary medicine and animal welfare
Above: prosthesis control
Above: object characterisation and identification
We are keen to apply our expertise to other new application areas by developing new collaborations with industry and academia. Please get in touch with our team listed below.

Dr Baidaa Al-Bander
- Colin Reeves Building, CR004

Dr Jie Cheng
- MacKay, Mac2.20
- +44 (0)1782 733775

Dr Charles Day
Computer Science
- Colin Reeves, CR110
- +44 (0)1782 733411

Professor Ed de Quincey
Professor of Computer Science
- Colin Reeves, CR41
- +44 (0)1782 734090

Dr Aisha Junejo
Lecturer in Cyber Security
- Colin Reeves, CR122

Dr Nadia Kanwal
Senior Lecturer in Computing
- Colin Reeves, CR38

Dr Theocharis Kyriacou
Reader in Computer Science
Computer Science
- Colin Reeves, CR103
- +44 (0)1782 733080

Dr Bappaditya Mandal
Senior Lecturer (Computing)
Computer Science
- Colin Reeves, CR36
- +44 (0)1782 733076

Dr Goksel Misirli
Senior Lecturer
Computer Science
- Colin Reeves, CR40
- +44 (0)1782 734028

Dr Marco Ortolani
Senior Lecturer
Computer Science
- Colin Reeves, CR102
- +44 1782 7 33264

Dr Sandra I Woolley
Computer Science
- MacKay, Mac2.04
- +44 (0)1782 733259