External advice and opportunities
Organisations which have special interest for women in STEMM.
Learned societies that have a group for women or particular opportunities for women or for male carers / career returners.
- Biochemical Society - Promoting Diversity and the Stay Connected Bursaries
- Royal Society of Chemistry - has a number of awards including one for inclusion and diversity
- British Computer Society - Women's Group
- Royal Aeronautical Society - Women in Aviation & Aerospace Group & theAmy Johnson Lecture
- Women’s Engineering Society - Awards, Bursaries and Grants
- Institute of Engineering and Technology - Women's Network and Young Woman Engineer Award
- London Mathematical Society - Women in Mathematics, Childcare Supplementary Grants and the Grace Chisholm Young fellowship
- British Pharmacological Society - Women's Careers and AstraZeneca Women in Science Award and Care Support Bursaries
- Institute of Physics - Diversity Programme,Women in Physics Group, Project Juno & the Carers Fund
There are a number of fellowship grants and awards that are of particular relevance to women, carers and career returners. There are very many other sources of funding and University staff are able seek advice elsewhere e.g. through the Research Institutes and Research Support. Please also explore what opportunities your learned society may provide -see the tab on learned societies.
Fellowships & Awards
Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowships
The Daphne Jackson Trust is an independent charity which helps secure part-time, paid fellowships to scientists, engineers and technologists who have taken a career break of two or more years for family, caring or health reasons.
For more details, please visit the Daphne Jackson Trust website.
Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship
This Royal Society Fellowship is advertised annually and aims to provide able young people, in the early years after a PhD, with a recognised step into a research career. The Dorothy Hodgkin scheme is open to both sexes and offers support and flexibility that is advantageous to both, but is particularly attractive and beneficial to women.
For more details of the Fellowship and how to apply, please see the visist the Royal Society website.
Rosalind Franklin Award
The Rosalind Franklin award is made for an outstanding contribution to any area of science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) is made to support the promotion of women in STEM. The recipient of the award is expected to spend a proportion of the (£30,000) grant on implementing a project to raise the profile of women in STEM in their institution and/or field of expertise. There are no restrictions on the age or gender of nominees, though it is anticipated that the award will be made to an individual in mid-career, with a maximum of 20 years post PhD
To find out more, please visit the Royal Society website.
Wellcome Trust Career Re-entry Fellowship
The Wellcome Trust offers Career Re-entry Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers in basic biomedical science who have recently decided to recommence a scientific research career after a continuous break of at least two years. The fellowship is particularly suitable for applicants wishing to return to research after a break for family commitments.
For more details, please visit the Wellcome Trust website.
London Mathematical Society - Grace Chisholm Young Fellowships
The London Mathematical Society offers two fellowships each year to mathematicians who need support when their mathematical career is interrupted by family responsibilities, relocation of partner, or other similar circumstance. These fellowships, named after Grace Chisholm Young, aim to provide some support, making possible some continuous mathematical activity, so enabling the fellow to be in a position to apply for posts when circumstances allow.
To find out more, please visit the London Mathematical Society website.
L'Oréal UK and Ireland Fellowships for Women in Science
The L'Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland Fellowships For Women in Science are awards (currently £15,000 to be spent on enabling individual research) offered by a partnership between L'Oréal UK & Ireland, the UK National Commission for UNESCO and the Irish National Commission for UNESCO, with the support of the Royal Society, to promote, enhance and encourage the contribution of women pursuing their research careers in the UK or Ireland in the fields of the life and physical sciences. Awards of $100,000 are also available for five leading female scientists, one from each continent, every year in recognition of their groundbreaking achievements.
For more details about the Fellowship, and the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women In Science Programme, please visit the For Women in Science website.
WISE campaign for gender balane in science technology and engineering has a number of awards.
Assistance with Conference Attendence:
Bichemical Society - Stay Connected Bursaries
Applicants have to be a member of the Biocehmical Society and they will need to provide details of any career break taken and include the reason for this (e.g. parental leave, caring responsibilities, illness, unemployment or a desire to change career paths) and the length of the break. There are no set criteria (such as a minimum career break length) and decisions to award Bursaries are at the discretion of the Society. Bursaries cover the cost of registration, accommodation and/or care provider cover to attend one of our conferences, workshops or training days. Anyone on a career break can apply.
London Mathematical Society - Childcare Supplementary Grants
The London Mathematical Society offers to enable parents to attend conferences and other research schools, meetings or visits by making a supplementary contribution towards childcare costs. Any mathematician in the UK is eligible to apply for a grant. If the applicant is not a member then the application must be countersigned by an LMS member.
British Pharmacological Society - Care Support Bursaries
The British Pharmacological Society has set aside an amount to be utilised on a first come, first served basis and a maximum of up to £200 will be available per British Pharmacological Society member applicant.
Institute of Physics - Carers Fund
Institute of Physics members can apply for a grant of up to £250 to help carers attend physics-related meetings, events or conferences.
Research Student Scholarship and Funding:
British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) Scholarships
The British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) provides scholarship awards, to help with on-going doctoral work, for women in their final year of study for a PhD, see details on BFWG Scholarships. Funds for Women Graduates (the registered trading name of the BFWG charitable foundation) makes awards to help women graduates with living expenses while undertaking postgraduate study or research.
There have been a number of articles on women in STEMM and academia in recent years both in scienctific journals and the popular press. In addition to these there have been a number of reports and papers compiled by organisations and institutes. See for example:
- Women in scientific careers: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2013-14 - Science and Technology Committee
- The Meaning of Success: Insights from Women at Cambridge
- WomenCount Leaders in Higher Education 2013
- Maximising Women's Contribution to Future Economic Growth
Subject specific publications