Elizabeth Loftus

Elizabeth Loftus

Elizabeth Loftus (1941- ) is an American cognitive psychologist and expert in the field of human memory, her research has had a significant impact on our understanding of memory, especially in relation to its malleability and susceptibility to manipulation.

Loftus is renowned for her pioneering work on the misinformation effect, which highlights how external information, suggestions, or leading questions can distort an individual's memory of an event. Her studies have demonstrated that people can easily incorporate false information into their recollections, leading to the creation of entirely fabricated memories.

Her work has not only contributed to our understanding of memory but has also raised important ethical considerations about the reliability of human memory in various domains, including criminal justice and therapy.

Elizabeth Loftus has received numerous awards for her contributions to psychology and memory research, and her insights continue to influence the fields of cognitive psychology, forensic psychology, and the study of memory distortion.