The Chaplaincy

Contact us

Hello from the chaplaincy team at Keele!

We have chaplains from three Christian churches, and a part-time Muslim chaplain - they work closely together to serve those of all faiths and none. You are welcome to contact whichever chaplain you like, irrespective of your own faith background or tradition.

To keep up with what goes on across our faith spaces, join the Keele Chapel Facebook Page, Twitter or Instagram or the Keele Islamic Centre Facebook page!

Want to be kept up to date about all the wider support services available at Keele as well? Join the Life at Keele Facebook page too!

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Revd. Stephanie Couvela

Co-ordinating and Anglican Chaplain
The Chapel
+44 (0) 1782 734919


Stephanie joined the team in 2015 and lives in Keele village with her husband and their dog, Patch.  Prior to coming to Keele she worked in chaplaincy at a retreat and conference centre in the Yorkshire Dales, and before that churches in leafy Surrey and a slightly dodgy bit of North London.  She’s been ordained since the last century and has spent a lot of that time trying to change the Church of England from the inside, specifically to make it more inclusive, and she dimly remembers a life before that working in radio and TV. Stephanie has spent most of her life trying to get her head around the fact that God likes her, and generally prefers questions to answers. 


Revd. Simon Sutcliffe

Free Church Chaplain
The Chapel
+44 (0) 1782 731703

Simon is a Methodist minister and theologian who came to Keele in 2024. In his 20 years of serving the Methodist Church he has been a minister to local congregations, a pioneer minister, a tutor in a theological college and, most recently, a learning and development officer in the Chester and Stoke-on-Trent Methodist District. He is passionate about enabling big conversations that make the world a better, safer place for everyone. He loves to hear the stories of others and help them make sense of the world we live in and he’s a keen environmentalist who loves to grow his own grub. He is married to Clare and they have two dogs, Ziggy and Jarvis. If you cannot find him in his office he is likely to be on his bike, up a mountain, in a tent or at the gym.

"Free Church" in this context means that Simon represents the Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Churches

Simon Sutcliffe

Niall Hammond

Lay Catholic Chaplain
The Chapel
+44 (0) 1782 734918


Niall joined the chaplaincy team in early 2017 having previously worked as a school chaplain, and before that, a rather unsuccessful secondary school teacher. Originally from Walsall he has spent the last decade or so in Sheffield, Chester and Warrington before migrating back to the Midlands. He lives on campus with his wife Sarah, herself a Keele alumnus, and their three cats (alma mater unknown). He has a strong interest in Catholic Social Teaching, exploring a variety of spiritualties and trying to understand what means to be part of a church that is truly global and universal. In his spare time Niall enjoys all things food related (both creating and consuming), the outdoors, music (with playing best described as ‘enthusiastic’) and occasionally donning his skates and a stripy shirt to referee roller derby. He answers to a variety of names but for the benefit of the uninitiated he would like to explain that, in his case at least, Niall rhymes with Keele.

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Rukia Bi

Muslim Chaplain
+44 (0) 1782 734913


Rukia Bi joined Keele as the University’s first Muslim Chaplain in January 2018.   Rukia is an educator, tutor and religious thinker. She has studied the Islamic Sciences over a number of years - and re-distributed this knowledge through one-to-ones, courses and lectures to varied audiences. Her vision to develop a dynamic and forward-thinking Muslim community at Keele has been deeply rooted by her belief in promoting shared values of love, mercy and compassion. Rukia’s exceptional dedication to equality and justice has seen national campaigns against Forced Marriage, Honor Killing and FGM, all underlined by promoting the true and loving message of Islam. Her ability to cross faith and cultural boundaries ensures she is able to help students regardless of faith, gender, sexual orientation or ethnic background. Rukia is a highly sought-after speaker, offering to diverse audiences her unique blend of motivational speaking, leadership insights, spiritual development and religious awareness. Rukia is also a key spokesperson and advocate for co-existence, mutual understanding and productive relationships between cultures, communities and religions. Rukia is always available to lend an ear.

 Chaplain Rukia Bi

Nathanael Paul

Volunteer Chaplaincy Assistant
The Chapel
+44 (0) 1782 733393


This role is to provide a welcome to those using the chapel and lend a listening ear and encouragement. The Assistant also supports chapel and student-run activities.

Nathanael Paul

Father John Laybourn

Visiting Catholic Priest Chaplain

Father John has been Visiting Priest Chaplain at Keele since 2011. He is half Scottish and spent his childhood in the Midlands, but he’s a keen Sunderland supporter because his father came from the North East. A former nurse, he was ordained in 1988.

In addition to his role at Keele, Father John is Parish Priest of the St Mary’s parish, Norton-le-Moors, and Chaplain to St Mary’s Primary School. So it goes without saying that he is limited in the amount of time he can spend with us, but he says Mass on Sunday at 12.30pm (and Tuesday at 6.00pm during Term), and is normally around for an hour or so before Mass. He is also available for Confessions before or after Mass (just let him or one of the other chaplains know if you want to go to confession).

Please contact Father John via Niall:

Father John