Professional, statutory and regulatory bodies

Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) accreditation is a general term used to describe a diverse group of professional and employer bodies, regulators and those with statutory authority over a profession who are authorised to accredit, approve or recognise specific programmes that meet professional standards.

Examples of PSRBs are the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), General Medical Council (GMC), Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and Royal Society of Chemistry. 

An accredited course is defined as one which is recognised by an accrediting body and may confer membership, chartered status or partial exemption.

Why are they important?

An important feature of the University's undergraduate and postgraduate taught provision is the number of degree programmes which are accredited by a PSRB. The University aims to ensure that all its programmes which are eligible for PSRB accreditation secure and retain the accreditation. This is just one of many ways the University ensures that professional standards and quality are maintained and that students gain the skills and knowledge required by employers.

A record of accredited programmes is maintained by Quality Assurance.

Accreditation/(re-)validation events

Heads of School shall inform the Faculty Executive Dean and Quality Assurance in good time of forthcoming events connected with the external recognition/ accreditation / validation of their programmes, so that Quality Assurance can support the School and the Faculty in liaising with the body concerned to make appropriate arrangements for the event.

Whenever possible, such events will be harmonised with internal quality assurance activities.

The School Education Committee and Quality and Academic Standards Sub-Committee shall consider and comment upon any report(s) arising from such events, together with the School's response, as appropriate.