• E3GO Strategic Priorities - This paper sets out strategic priorities for an overarching strategy for Employability, Employer Engagement, Global Opportunities and Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. It aligns with Keele education strategy and education principles – “Reimagining Lindsay’s original vision for Keele to prepare our students for the 4th Industrial Revolution”.

  • Estates Strategy - Estates Strategy

  • Research Strategy - Research Strategy 2016-2020

  • Responsible Procurement Strategy - This Responsible Procurement Strategy has been developed to ensure that all staff involved in the procurement of goods and services within the University routinely consider how we can enhance and protect the shared environment that we all work in, contribute to the health and well-being of society and build a sustainable economy through our procurement decisions.

  • Student Substance Misuse - A Joint Approach - The purpose of the approach is to make students aware of the support and guidance available both within the University and externally for students affected by drug related problems