Assessment Criteria (Level 3,4,5,6 UG) - The Keele University generic marking criteria are designed to be a reference point for staff and students in defining the standards of achievement for written work at FHEQ Levels 3, 4, 5, and 6 across all subject areas.
Assessment Criteria (Level 7 PG) - The Keele University generic assessment criteria are designed to be a reference point for staff and students in defining the standards of achievement for written work. These criteria apply to FHEQ Level 7 (Postgraduate) only across all subject areas. Separate criteria are available for FHEQ Levels 3-6 (Foundation and Undergraduate). **FOR USE FROM 2023/24**
Disclosure and Barring Service Procedure Advice - Students - Procedure for Consideration of Criminal Record Disclosures by Applicants and Students.
Due Diligence Guidance - Guidance issued to all staff involved with carrying out due diligence checks.
Examination Processes for Invigilators Guidance - Guidance issued to examination invigilators outlining the examinations procedures.
Holiday Entitlement Guidance - Holiday Entitlement Guidance
Investigation Guidelines - This is a practical guide for managers responsible for conducting investigations
Keeping in Touch (KIT) Days Guidance - Keeping in touch days can provide a number of advantages for both the University and the member of staff for the smooth transition back after maternity/adoption/additional paternity leave.
Learning Principles - Keele Learning Principles
Secondment Guidance - Guidance for the process of staff secondments
Turnitin Guidance for Staff and Students - Guidance on the use of the Turnitin service.
Visa Fee Reimbursement Scheme - Visa Fee Reimbursement Scheme guidance.
Visa Loan Scheme - Visa Fee Reimbursement Scheme guidance.
Web Responsibilities - Guidance on web responsibilities and web content ownership