Audit and Risk Committee


Scope: to advise and assist the University Council in respect of the entire assurance and control environment of the institution.

The Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) adopts the CUC Audit Committees Code of Practice.
The Terms of Reference can be found here: ARC Terms of Reference.

The role description for ARC members can be found here: ARC Member Role Description

The minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee meetings are not published owing to the confidential and sometimes commercially sensitive nature of the business discussed.

The Audit and Risk Committee’s Annual Report records the work of the Committee and considers the reports received from the University’s internal and external auditors and other matters for which the Committee holds responsibility on behalf of Council.
The Annual Report also includes the Committee’s opinion of the adequacy and effectiveness of the institution’s arrangements for: 
      • risk management, control and governance; 
      • sustainability; 
      • economy, efficiency and effectiveness (value for money); 
      • management and quality assurance of data submitted to regulatory bodies. 


Richard Barnes

Deputy Pro-Chancellor & Senior Independent Member (Chair)


Ruth Bagley

Appointed by the Council


Tim Forman

Appointed by the Council


Jane Burns

Appointed by the Council


Neil Clatworthy

Co-opted Member


Peter Harris

Co-opted Member


James Rushton

Co-opted Member


In attendance

Professor Trevor McMillan


in attendance

Dr Mark Bacon

Chief Operating Officer

in attendance

Pascale Vermassen

Chief Financial Officer

in attendance

Clare Stevenson

Secretary to Council

in attendance

Jen Hallsworth

Chief of Staff

in attendance


Internal Auditors

in attendance

PKF Littlejohn

External Auditors

in attendance


Richard Fairweather (Secretariat Officer)

in attendance

External Auditors: PKF Littlejohn LLP
Internal Auditors: UNIAC

The Secretary to Council is the executive lead for the internal audit provision.

The Interim Chief Financial Officer is the executive lead for the external audit provision.

Relevant University Policy Documents: 

The University’s Financial Regulations can be found here.     

The key policy documents relevant to the business of the Audit and Risk Committee can be found in the University’s Policy Zone. 

Committee dates

Monday 11th November 2024
Thursday 13th March 2025
Wednesday 18th June 2025