
Dr Katherine J. Haxton

Sustainability in Education: Is our teaching fit for the 21st century?

Institute for Sustainable Futures celebrates World Teachers Day

Join the Institute for Sustainable Futures on World Teachers Day for a webinar with Dr Katherine J. Haxton - ‘Sustainability in Education: Is our teaching fit for the 21st century?’

Embedding sustainability into our teaching is an opportunity to think beyond the traditional strictures of ‘what must be taught because it has always been taught’, to embed new and fit-for-purpose assessment, and to cover content in the context of global systems and change. In this way curricula can emerge that are truly fit for the 21st century. Over the past decade, sustainability in Keele’s chemistry curriculum has evolved from a single module to something more widely seeded throughout our degree routes. This talk will highlight some examples of what can be done to embed sustainability and ideas of climate justice in a STEM subject, both through small interventions and large-scale module development. At the end, a challenge will be issued to make one small change to what is taught: no change is too small to make a difference.

Katherine is a Senior Lecturer in Chemistry at Keele University and winner of the 2020 Staff Champion Green Gown Award for work within her school on sustainability. Katherine’s research interests are in chemistry education, particularly curriculum evolution to develop courses fit for the challenges of the 21st century. This includes embracing a systems thinking approach to embed Education for Sustainable Development, social justice and broader ‘think like a chemist’ skills.

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