
Dr Richard Waller

Sustainable Transport Futures: e-mobility and the decarbonisation of travel

Institute for Sustainable Futures celebrates World Sustainable Transport Day

Join the Institute for Sustainable Futures on World Sustainable Transport Day for a webinar with Dr Richard Waller - ‘Sustainable Transport Futures: e-mobility and the decarbonisation of travel’

With the climate crisis and urban air pollution constituting two of the most significant challenges facing society, a wholesale transformation to “e-mobility” has been widely proposed as a solution of global relevance to transport - a sector that has until recently remained stubbornly immune to attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This talk will explore the nature, diversity and the development of electric vehicles as well as the associated challenges and opportunities associated with their deployment in both the Global North and the Global South. It will also consider their potential role within the ongoing "energy transition" and their integration within smart energy systems at different scales.

Dr Richard Waller's Biography
My interest in Physical Geography was originally stimulated by childhood hill walks in the mountainous areas of the U.K. and an associated curiosity as to how these spectacular landscapes had been created. Whilst studying Geography at Oxford, I had the opportunity to spend two months in Alaska, which graphically illustrated the power of ice and established an interest in cold environments that I have retained ever since. This led initially to a Ph.D. at Southampton on debris-rich basal ice and then a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Glaciology at Greenwich, before taking up a lecturing post at Keele in 2001. My interest in the great outdoors extends beyond my academic interests and in my free time I enjoy walking, running, mountain biking and landscape photography.

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Alana Wheat
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