Asbestos Policy - Policy Document And Operational Arrangements For The Management & Control Of Asbestos.
Carbon Accounting, Reporting and Management Code of Practice - Code of Practice for Carbon Accounting, Reporting and Management
Control of Contractors Policy - The Management of Contractors Working at Keele University
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Code of Practice - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Code of Practice.
Electrical Safety Policy - Electrical Safety Policy 2021
Energy Privacy Policy - Utilities Privacy Notice
Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework - Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework
Estates Strategy - Estates Strategy
Fire Risk Management Procedure - Fire Risk Management Procedure
First Aid Code of Practice - This Code of Practice forms part of the arrangements to implement the University Health and Safety Policy.
Gas Safety Policy - Gas Safety Policy 2021
Health and Safety Policy - Health and Safety Policy
Health and Safety Training Code of Practice - Code of Practice for Health and Safety Training
Incident and Business Continuity Management Policy - The purpose of this Policy is to set out the University’s intentions in Incident and Business Continuity Management.
Ionising Radiation Code of Practice - Ionising Radiation Code of Practice.
Laser Safety Code of Practice - Code of Practice for Laser Safety
Legionella and Water Safety Policy - Legionella & Water Safety Policy - August 2021
Lone Working Code of Practice - This Code of Practice forms part of the arrangements to implement the University Health and Safety Policy.
Manual Handling Code of Practice - This Code of Practice forms part of the arrangements to implement the University Health and Safety Policy.
Menopause Support for Staff and Students Code of Practice - This Code of Practice explains how the University will support staff and students experiencing the menopause.
Procedure for Dealing with Communicable Diseases - Procedure to ensure that the University has clear arrangements for dealing with communicable diseases (including meningitis and meningococcal disease)
Food Safety Guidance - Keele University's Providing Food Safely Code of Practice.
Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Students Policy - This policy applies to all staff and students, and of particular relevance to students with disabilities, special educational needs or long term medical conditions.
Space Policy - This Policy provides a framework for the management of space, which will inform future space changes, allocations and refurbishments.
Space Procedure - This Procedure supports the Space Policy (which provides a framework for the management of space, informing future space changes, allocations and refurbishments). This Procedure sets out the process should Schools or Directorates require changes to their space to accommodate staffing fluctuations or for their academic delivery.
Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Guidance - Guidance for Students on Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption
Sustainability in Food Code of Practice - This Code of Practice sets out the University’s approach to Food Sustainability.
Use of the University Seal Procedure - Where the University is to be a party in a deed, English law requires the University seal to be affixed to certain deeds and executed, signed and seal affixed, on behalf of the University (attested). This procedure outlines how and when and when not the University seal should be used.
Whistleblowing Policy - Whistleblowing Policy for staff and students of the University.
Whistleblowing Procedure - This Whistleblowing Procedure outlines the University’s process for handling allegations by all members of the University.