Academic Mentoring Code of Practice - The Academic Mentoring system is designed to ensure that all students have regular opportunities to review their progress and development. An Academic Mentor is an academic member of staff who will encourage students to reflect on their experience and performance and encourage them to set goals for the future.
Admissions Appeals Policy - Keele University's Admissions Appeals Policy and form
Admissions Interview Policy - Keele University's Admissions Interview Policy
Admissions Policy - Keele University's Admissions Policy
Admissions Under 18 Policy - Keele University's Policy on Applications where applicant will be under 18 at the start of the programme
Admissions Under 18 Procedure - Keele University's Procedure on Applications where applicant will be under 18 at the start of the programme
Assessment and Feedback Code of Practice - This Code of Practice has been produced for both students and staff, including students studying at Collaborative Partner Institutions. It sets out the University’s approach to Assessment and Feedback.
Assessment Criteria (Level 3,4,5,6 UG) - The Keele University generic marking criteria are designed to be a reference point for staff and students in defining the standards of achievement for written work at FHEQ Levels 3, 4, 5, and 6 across all subject areas.
Assessment Criteria (Level 7 PG) - The Keele University generic assessment criteria are designed to be a reference point for staff and students in defining the standards of achievement for written work. These criteria apply to FHEQ Level 7 (Postgraduate) only across all subject areas. Separate criteria are available for FHEQ Levels 3-6 (Foundation and Undergraduate). **FOR USE FROM 2023/24**
Attendance Policy for Student Route Visa Holders - Attendance Policy for Student Route Visa Holders
Examination Processes for Invigilators Guidance - Guidance issued to examination invigilators outlining the examinations procedures.
Examinations and Open Book Assessment Code of Practice - This Code of Practice has been produced for both students and staff, including students studying at Collaborative Partner Institutions. It sets out the University’s approach to scheduling and delivering examinations and open book assessments and provides detailed descriptions of processes and roles of people involved in these processes.
Exceptional Circumstances Code of Practice - This Code of Practice sets out the University’s approach to providing an exceptional circumstances process to support students who are affected by circumstances beyond their control, which impact negatively on their ability to complete assessed work.
External Examiners Code of Practice - Code of Practice for External Examiners.
Fitness to Practise Code of Practice - This Code of Practice sits alongside Regulation B5 (Fitness to Practise) and explains how the University will apply the Regulation to individual students.
Inclusive Education Framework - The Inclusive Education Framework reflects the University's commitment to ensure that all students, including those with protected characteristics and beyond, can participate and thrive in every aspect of the educational experience and process..
Learning Principles - Keele Learning Principles
Management of Interruptions to Normal Business and Timescales (INBAT) Policy - Policy for the management of academic programmes, progression and awards during interruptions to normal business and timescales (INBAT)
Marking and Moderation Policy - This policy should be read in conjunction with Regulation D1 Assessment. It sets out the University’s approach to marking and moderation practices, as developed and overseen by the University’s Education Committee. It is intended to inform staff and students as well as individuals from outside the University, such as external examiners and external reviewers.
Open Access and Rights Retention Policy - This policy outlines the University’s policy to open access and rights retention
Placement Learning Code of Practice - Code of Practice on Placement Learning
Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Students Policy - This policy applies to all staff and students, and of particular relevance to students with disabilities, special educational needs or long term medical conditions.
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy - The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process which enables people of all ages and backgrounds to receive recognition and formal credit for learning acquired in the past through formal study and through work and other life experiences.
Safeguarding in Research and Innovation - This policy outlines the University’s commitment to taking all reasonable steps to anticipate, mitigate and address potential and actual harms occurring during research.
School of Medicine Undergraduate (MBChB) Admissions Process - School of Medicine Undergraduate (MBChB) Admissions Process
Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy - This policy applies to staff and students.
Student Academic Misconduct Code of Practice - This Code of Practice has been produced for both students and staff, including Academic Conduct Officers and overseas link tutors. It sets out the University’s approach to academic misconduct and to provide detailed descriptions of processes and roles of people involved in these processes.
Student Attendance and Engagement Policy - This policy details Keele’s approach to monitoring attendance and supporting student engagement.
Student Attendance Monitoring Procedure - The document provides detailed information on the procedures for monitoring of student attendance, as specified in the Student Attendance & Engagement Policy.
Student Module Feedback Policy - This policy details Keele’s approach to module feedback to students.
Student Module Feedback Procedure - The document provides detailed information on the procedures for giving student module feedback, as outlined in the Student Module Feedback Policy.
Timetabling Policy - Timetabling Policy- June 2024
Turnitin Guidance for Staff and Students - Guidance on the use of the Turnitin service.