Academic Projects - Approvals and Submissions Policy - This Policy applies to all Keele University staff members, Emeritus Professors, Keele University Honorary Contract holders and others within Keele University who are actively involved in developing Academic Projects
Additional Earnings Policy - It is recognised that external professional activities, such as consultancy, advising external organisations are a feature of University life and that University staff often possess the skills and experience that are sought by external organisations.
Costing and Pricing Policy - Costing and pricing for research academic-led projects
Due Diligence Guidance - Guidance issued to all staff involved with carrying out due diligence checks.
Fundraising Code of Practice - Code of Practice for Fundraising
Health and Social Care Research Policy - Health and Social Care Research Policy
Intellectual Property Management Code of Practice - Intellectual Property Management Code of Practice
Open Access and Rights Retention Policy - This policy outlines the University’s policy to open access and rights retention
Placement Learning Code of Practice - Code of Practice on Placement Learning
Research Code of Good Practice - Code of Practice on the proper conducting of good academic research.
Research Ethics Policy - Research Ethics Policy
Research Integrity Policy - Research Integrity Policy
Research Misconduct Procedure - The University’s expectations regarding good research conduct
Research Strategy - Research Strategy 2016-2020
Safeguarding in Research and Innovation - This policy outlines the University’s commitment to taking all reasonable steps to anticipate, mitigate and address potential and actual harms occurring during research.