Core topics

We support and foster educational research and scholarship around 3 main themes, which further work by individuals on a wider range of topics. Our core research topics are assessment and feedback, simulation and technology-enhanced learning and selection workforce.

Assessment and Feedback

Our Assessment research covers a diverse range of topics including research on assessors’ cognition /judgement processes; technology-enhanced assessment methods, including NIHR-funded research on Video-based Examiner Score Comparison and Adjustment (VESCA) and Video-based Examiner Benchmarking (VBB). Further assessment research has determined approaches to consultation skills assessments, resulting in the development of the Generic Consultation Skills Assessment framework (GeCoS), studied the feasibility and implications of patient involvement in assessment, and has investigated assessment standard setting approaches through both psychometric modelling approaches and qualitative observational research, including multi-centre commissioned research for the Medical Schools Council Assessment Alliance (MSCAA).

Our research on feedback has included a range of research on the format of feedback, including the implications of quantitative grades within formative workplace assessment, strategies for providing feedback, development and testing of technology-based approaches to enable examiners to provide quality feedback within performance assessments and students interaction with and use of post-exam feedback. Current work is investigating the role of video-based feedback to students on their OSCE performances.

People involved in assessment and feedback research: Janet Lefroy, Katie Maddock, Peter Yeates, Bob McKinley, Natalie Cope, Alice Moult, Giles Roberts, Catherine Stephenson

Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning

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Selection and Workforce

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Additional Research Topics

Further research topics pursued by individuals include communication skills; patient experience and involvement; peer learning; gamification of learning; transitions of learners between career phases; decision making; education in general practice; humanities in health professionals education; Inter-professional education; and placements.
Please see the People section for details of individuals pursuing these topics.