
I completed my GP training in North Staffordshire and recently completed an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship award that investigated the link between multisite pain and falls in older people.

I am currently an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in General Practice, with my time split between pain management in older people and working with the Keele Global Health team exploring pain in LMIC and sickle cell disease.

Alongside my clinical GP work and academic role, I am also a standing member of the NICE Indicator Advisory Committee.

Research and scholarship

I have expertise in both qualitative and quantitative methodologies including systematic reviews, qualitative interviewing, qualitative analysis and epidemiological research methodologies.

My MPhil explored the views of healthcare professionals towards extending the authority to certify sickness absence beyond GPs in primary care. My PhD involved secondary data analysis of linked survey data with electronic patient records including prescriptions, Hospital Episode Statistics and ONS Mortality data.

My current work involves analysis using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink data.


  • Clinical undergraduate medical teaching years 1-5
  • Quantitative research methods SSC 3rd year medical students
