The Trees at Keele

Pagoda Tree Styphnolobium japonica

No photograph available

Despite its name it is a native of China and was introduced to Japan. The common name may derive from the fact that it was widely planted in the grounds of Buddhist temples. It is a popular tree ornamental tree in Europe, North America and South Africa. A member of Fabaceae or pea family, it is grown for its pendulous racemes of white flowers which form in late summer after most other flowering trees have long finished flowering; similar to the False Acacia. It grows to around 10–20 m tall with an equal spread but usually flowers at 30-40 years old. It has yet to flower at Keele.

Location : There is one by the White Well at the side of Keele Hall; square O10; tag 7589 and one below Keele Hall on the field side; square O11; tag 1075' planted in 2016.