Dr Tess Phillips

I started using TBL in 2015 for my FHEQ level 3 teaching in organic chemistry, which includes introducing students to curly arrow mechanisms. The format of TBL works exceptionally well for running problem classes with the large (120+) cohorts on this module. Student engagement is noticeably higher and there is a productive buzz in the sessions as students discuss the chemistry involved, something rarely encountered in my previous experience of traditional problem classes!
I have now embedded the use of TBL throughout my medicinal chemistry leaving (levels 5 and 6). I find TBL to be an incredibly versatile format, particularly the use of the iRAT/tRAT component as a preparation activity before teamwork exercises. It is effective in helping the teams to gel as well as giving them all a good grounding in the key theory they need to apply in the task ahead.
FHEQ level 3 – Introductory Organic Chemistry
FHEQ level 5 – Drug Design
FHEQ level 6 – Enzymes