Dr Graeme Jones

I begged my first eight scratch cards from a presenter at ViCE/PHEC in Durham in 2014 and trialled the first TBL session at Keele in October of that year. It was so successful I made my own second set of scratchcards using laminated paper and Tippex! Since then I have been a TBL convert and have used it in all my Chemistry teaching from Foundation Year to MChem and I run a TBL introductory session for the Keele Teaching in Higher Education course. I would say I am a pragmatic TBLer not a perfect one and I will use it like all other teaching tools and not the only one. It has been a life saver in lockdown, the only way I have found of getting students to turn their mics on and talk to each other about chemistry! I am currently Treasurer of ETBLC.
FHEQ level 3 - Introductory
FHEQ level 4 - Aromatic Chemistry and NMR
FHEQ level 5 - NMR
FHEQ level 6 - Biosynthesis
FHEQ level 7 - Physical Organic Chemistry