Sponsored students

If you are receiving sponsorship to cover your tuition fee and living costs, after you receive an unconditional offer, you will need to provide a letter of sponsorship/financial guarantee.

An official financial sponsor is His Majesty's Government, the student's home government, the British Council, an international organisation, international company (the UK Home Office requires an international company to be a company with a trading presence/registered office in more than one country), a university or UK independent school. For a visa application, an official financial sponsor is not a spouse, friend, family member nor an NHS hospital, foundation trust or organisation. Instead, you will need to obtain a letter from your financial sponsor confirming how they are supporting you. This letter must be recently dated (a copy of which must be sent to Admissions prior to your Visa & Confirmation Checklist), on official letter-headed paper and must contain:

  • your full name (as stated in your passport)
  • your Keele Student Number;
  • the name of the programme
  • the academic year for which the sponsorship applies;
  • the amount of the sponsorship (for example, full tuition fees or a specified amount in pounds sterling)
  • the address and a named contract to which Keele University should send the invoice
  • the full name and address of the sponsoring institution.

This information must be returned to the Admissions team on admissions@keele.ac.uk.

Data Release information

I acknowledge and understand that as a student in receipt of a scholarship provided by a government body, foreign university or my employer, data relating to my attendance, academic performance and welfare will be passed by Keele University to my sponsor's official representative. 

Keele University is the data controller for the personal data we hold about you. Your sponsor will usually require these reports from the University on a twice yearly basis and on occasions where there is cause for concern. We therefore consider this as a legitimate process for us to comply with in order to support you in arrangements with your sponsor. 

The standard report form requests a name, date of birth, confirmation of enrolment dates, a grade of attendance level, a breakdown of marks per module and qualitative feedback from the course director or academic mentor. When reporting on PhD students the University is also required to provide the progression to PhD date, thesis title and topic and expected completion date. In the event of conduct or welfare concerns, the University is required to advise the sponsor or their official representative directly so that a coordinated support plan can be instigated. 

Should you wish to know more about this process or to confirm whether or not you are considered a sponsored student, please contact Admissions on admissions@keele.ac.uk

Further details of your rights regarding your personal data and how to complain can be found at https://www.keele.ac.uk/informationgovernance/informationgovernanceforthepublic/