Children, families and society

Children, families and society cluster brings together academics and research students conducting policy relevant research into the lives of children, young people and families. We combine a range of theoretical interests and approaches to children, parenting and families in projects that examine contemporary issues with relevance to policy and practice. We work across disciplines with colleagues from other centres in the School, the University, other UK and international universities, and we build links with policy, practice and public users of research.

Cluster Leader: Dr Lydia Martens

Particular areas of expertise include: children and advocacy; children, families, sustainability and the environment, citizenship, the cultural politics of schooling, youth and childhood transitions; comparative work on professional identities; youth justice; classed, raced and gendered childhoods; parenting, mothering and fathering as social practices and identities; home cultures; and consumption, consumer culture and markets.

Current and Recent Projects

  • SafeConsumE: EU Horizon2020 funded collaborative project
  • Mothers of children removed under a care order: outcome and experiences.
  • Domestic kitchen practices: consolidating understanding, informing intervention.
  • Children, collecting experience, and the natural environment.
  • Children's understandings of peak oil.
  • Motherhoods, markets and consumption.

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