
Welcome to the project resources page, here you will find outputs from the Listening Project, relevant literature and other web-based resources related to our three project themes.

  • Improving communciation and interpersonal skills through active listening and open dialogue
  • Raising awareness of sustainable development
  • Interdisciplinarity

Facilitation Cards

The cards are a key output of the project, based on tried and tested workshop activities used during the series of project workshops, the cards main purpose is to help structure and guide facilitators wishing to deliver workshops which aim to develop understanding and skill in the use of open dialogue, including active listening. The first two cards ('About' and 'How to use' provide basic information relating to the cards. More information about their uses is provided the Faciltation Card Guide.

Listening Project Facilitation Cards PDF  Facilitation Cards Guide

Printing the Facilitation Cards: the cards are double-sided, use the corner cutting guides to create seperate cards, there is a margin of colour to ensure nothing is lost from the cards during cutting.

Sustainability Conversation Cards

The SDG Conversation Cards have been used in workshops to prompt conversation about sustainability, particpants are invited to choose an image that appeals to them and use it as a starting point for one-to-one conversation. On the reverse of the cards each is matched to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which can also be used to expand conversation. Use these cards with the facilitation cards, or on their own to raise awareness of sustainability and to explore the SDGs.

Conversation guidelines handout

Guidelines for ConversationA useful handout providing guidelines and tips plus a brief 'Charter of Respect and Equality' to support open dialogue. This resource was used in some of our workshops in semester 1

Other resources for workshops - free to download and use

Keep Calm and Communicate Exercises -  Easy and quick techniques to help overcome shyness or nerves 

Chinese Whispers Activity - Illustrates how easy it is to misinterpret or pass on only part of a message. An adaption of a popular and easy 10minute exercise that makes a good icebreaker.

During the first few project workshops some students recorded their one-to-one conversations, this archive provides a small selection of short clips taken from some of those recordings. The clips provide insight in to different student views on various topics related to sustainable development.

At the beginning of the project we encouraged particpants to record a one-to-one conversation, several recordings were made, this archive provides short clips (approximately 3 minutes) from a small selection of the recordings made.

Robin and Gina talk about sustainable cities and food production.
Sam and Isobel have a conversation around the question will human civilization achieve sustainability?
A response to a Grand Challenge Lecture by Professor Andrew Stirling Callum and Sonar's conversation focusses on climate change and how difficult it is for human beings to change their habits
A response to a Grand Challenge Lecture by Professor Andrew Stirling Sophie and Yasmeen talk about the importnace of sustainability to us all and how we embed it in our lives.

BOHM, D., FACTOR, D. and GARRETT, P. (1991) Dialogue a proposal. Available:

BOHM, D. (2004) On Dialogue. Abingdon, Oxfordshire and New York: Routledge.

DIALOGUE SOCIETY (2013) Making Dialogue Effective. The Dialogue Society

DOBSON, A. (2014) Listening for Democracy. Oxford Press. (Chapter 2 has a lot on the theory of listening)

GURIN, P. NAGDA, B. A., ZUNIGA, X. (2013) Dialogue Across Difference. Russel Sage Foundation. 

ISAACS, W. (1999) Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together. New York: Doubleday.

SLEAP, F., OMER, S. (2013) Dialogue Theories. The Dialogue Society. Extract available online as PDF.  (Chapters by Bohm, Buber and Yankelovich particularly useful.)


Open Spaces for Dialogue and Enquiry:

The Dialogue Society:

Faculty Commons - 'Listen to This!


Jones, P., Selby., D., and Sterling, S. (2010) Sustainability Education Perspectives and Practice Across Higher Education, Earthscan.

Noddings, N. (2005) Educating Citizens for Global Awareness. Teachers College Press.

United Nations (1987) Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future (The Brundtland report) available at


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:


The SDGs in Action (for IOS and Android) Supports all 6 UN official languages and includes: 

  • Targets, videos, key facts and figures for all 17 goals and suggestions on how you can help achieve them
  • Sustainable development news from around the world 
  • Actions and events near you that you can join to support the goals
  • Create your own actions and send invites to others

Cooperative Learning is an approach that encourages collaboration and team building by completing tasks that fulfill a shared goal, improving communications is part of the process. Cooperative Learning has become popular in some primary and secondary schools across the UK.

The Cooperative Learning Institute
Twitter @jjcooplearn

Blog posts:  Cooperative Learning


Deutsch, M.  (1949).  A theory of cooperation and competition. Human Relations, 2, 129-152.

Johnson, D. W.  (2003).  Social interdependence:  The interrelationships among theory, research, and practice.  American Psychologist, 58(11), 931-945.

Johnson, D.W., & Johnson, F.  (2009).  Joining to­gether: Group theory and group skills (10th ed.).  Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. (1999). Learning together and alone: Cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning (5th Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Montagu, A.  (1966).  On being human.  New York:  Hawthorn.