UCEA (University and Colleges Employers Association)/XpertHR Salary Survey of Higher Education Staff (SSHES)

The shared personal data of qualifying staff (holders of substantive roles that are below professor or function head roles, or their equivalent) for the UCEA/XpertHR Salary Survey of Higher Education Staff falls into the following categories:

The data is processed based on the following conditions:

Article 6(1)(f) - Legitimate Interests

The data is collected from the information that the University holds regarding its staff and will not be used for any other purpose than for providing responses to the stated survey.

For more information about how the University handles your personal information please visit the information governance webpages at: https://www.keele.ac.uk/legalgovernancecompliance/legalandinformationcompliance/informationgovernance

This ancillary privacy notice should be read in conjunction with privacy information which you can find at www.keele.ac.uk/privacynotices which will explain your rights with regards to how the University processes your information, details of the University’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) and ways to contact the DPO as well as the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) for any data protection issues.