Infrastructure and equipment

GlycoChemistry Laboratory – Lennard-Jones Building LJ1.60

Here we undertake synthetic carbohydrate chemistry and chemical biology. The laboratory is well equipped for this, housing the below equipment:

GlycoChemistry Laboratory – Lennard-Jones Building LJ1.60 640px wide

  • 20 fume hood laboratory
  • 10+ Schenck lines for inert atmosphere work
  • 9 Rotary evaporators with recirculating chillers
  • BioRad LP Purification system (for SAX, desalting)
  • Agilent 1260 Infinity II Preparative LC System
    • Inline MS
    • ELSD + UV detectors
    • 10-100 mg scale preparations and separations
  • Tecan Infinite Mnano Plate reader
  • Freeze drier – 20L
  • Buchi C815 and Reveleris X2 Automated Flash Chromatography purification systems (50 mg-300g)

In addition to this the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, where the GlycoChemistry laboratory houses a suite of analytical capabilities to support carbohydrate synthesis, including NMR capability (2 x 400 MHz Multi-probe NMR spectrometers), low and high-resolution mass spectrometry capability, X-Ray Crystallography (Bruker D8 Quest Eco single crystal diffractometer) and analytical HPLC and microanalysis laboratories.