
Julius initially studied English at the University of Durham, after which he gained an MSc (with distinction) in sociology at South Bank Polytechnic, an MSc (with distinction) in applied statistics at Sheffield Hallam University, and a PhD in philosophy, supervised by David McNaughton, at Keele University.

Before coming to Keele in 1997, Julius had a brief but successful career in Pizza Express, which he unwisely forsook for a longer, but markedly less successful, career in the National Health Service, before joining Coventry University as a lecturer in social and health research.

Julius is a Chartered Statistician and Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.

Research and scholarship

Julius's research within Keele is mainy located in the School of Medicine, but he has also worked with the social gerontology, psychology and criminology research groups within Keele. His research centres on methodology, both qualitative and quantitative, and ethics: specific interests include research ethics, qualitative synthesis (metasynthesis) and clinical trial methodology. In addition he has an interest in the sociology of chronic illness.


GRT-40023: Approaches to research design and process
HLT-40001: Research methods in health
PTY-40002: Evidence-based practice
HLT-40002: Advanced quantitative data analysis (module leader)
CLM-40003: Statistics and epidemiology
PTY-30047: Research project (module leader)

Further information

Julius is deputy chair on Sub-Panel 3 of the 2021 Research Excellence Framework, having also been deputy chair of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework and Chair of Sub-Panel 12 of the 2018 Research Assessment Exercise, and has served on the East Midlands Committee of the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit funding scheme and the NIHR Health services and Delivery Research Funding Board.

Currently, Julius sits on the funding committee for the Research for Patient and Public Benefit scheme (Health and Social Care, Wales) and the commissioning board of the Health Services and Delivery Research Programme (NIHR).

Julius is statistical advisor for the Journal of Psychomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and associate editor of BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, an associate editor (and previous editor-in-chief) of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, and a member of the editorial board of Physiotherapy Canada.


School of Allied Health Professions
MacKay Building
Keele University

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