Prizes, bursaries and other funding
Entering for prizes and awards is not only about the financial benefits but also about the boost that these give to your portfolios and future prospects. Many Deaneries operate a system of ranking short-listed candidates for interview according to a scoring system and additional points have been given to students with awards and prizes. We would encourage you to apply for these which we hope will be useful to you in the furtherance of your careers.
Criteria |
Award |
Year 1 Prize |
Best performance in the summative assessments |
£100 |
Year 1-3 NSMI Aspire Project Award |
Every year, Keele’s Aspire programme (supported by NSMI already) accepts medical students in Years 1-3 of the Undergraduate Programme to for a 4-8 week summer project. Students apply |
Certificate & £100 |
Year 1-3 NSMI Aspire Project Highly commended Award |
Certificate |
Prize |
Criteria |
Award |
Year 2 Prize |
Best performance in the summative assessments |
£100 |
Year 2 SSC Prize |
Best overall mark in the SSC |
£100 |
Year 2 Ian Gray Memorial Prize |
Best performance in Year 2 Skills Examinations |
£100 |
Year 1-3 NSMI Aspire Project Award |
Every year, Keele’s Aspire programme (supported by NSMI already) accepts medical students in Years 1-3 of the Undergraduate Programme to for a 4-8 week summer project. Students apply |
Certificate & £100 |
Year 1-3 NSMI Aspire Project Highly commended Award |
Certificate |
Prize |
Criteria |
Award |
Year 3 Prize |
Best performance in the summative assessments |
£100 |
Year 3 Donald Kemp Prize |
Best performance in the OSCE |
£100 |
Year 3 Mrs Bentley Prize in Primary Care |
Essay Competition - 500 words "The patient in my CCS block who has taught me the most" |
£100 |
Year 1-3 NSMI Aspire Project Award |
Every year, Keele’s Aspire programme (supported by NSMI already) accepts medical students in Years 1-3 of the Undergraduate Programme to for a 4-8 week summer project. Students apply |
Certificate & £100 |
Year 1-3 NSMI Aspire Project Highly commended Award |
Certificate |
Year 3 NSMI Lab based Award |
Student Selected Components (SSC) (8 weeks). Students have the opportunity to combine two SSC ‘blocks’ to undertake a supervised laboratory project, with the expectation of scientific write up. |
Certificate & £100 |
Year 3 NSMI Lab based highly commended Award |
Certificate |
RCGP Midland Faculty Award |
Prize is awarded based on the best prescribing poster. |
£50 |
Prize |
Criteria |
Award |
Year 4 Prize |
Best performance in the summative assessments |
£100 |
Year 4 Chris Wilkins Memorial Prize |
Best performance in Families and Children SSC |
£100 |
Year 4 Medical Women's Federation Prize |
Best SSC in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
£100 |
Year 4 Mrs Bentley Prize |
Greatest rise in ranking between Year 3 OSCE and Year 4 OSCE |
£100 |
Prize |
Criteria |
Award |
Year 5 Nigel Eastwood Memorial Prize |
Best overall performance in Year 5 |
£100 |
Year 5 Elective Prize |
Best photo (with accompanying paragraph of text) taken on elective |
£50 |
Prize |
Criteria |
Award |
Wilfrid Kirkham Anatomy Prize |
Best overall performance in Anatomy (Years 1, 2, or 3) |
£100 |
Student Conference Bursary
The School of Medicine has a small grant to help students with the expenses of attending conferences, especially if you are presenting.
The Conference Bursary Group meets three times per year in November, February and June.
The group will not reimburse the costs of any courses, only conferences, and if funds are limited will prioritise those who are presenting. Reasonable travel and accommodation costs will be allowed.
If you are successful you will need to submit an expenses form with receipts to the School of Medicine Student Support Office who will forward these to the Finance Department. This means you will not be reimbursed until after the event. Payments will be declined if receipts are not presented or if there is a delay in forwarding them after the Conference.
Application forms:
External annual bursaries
The Royal Society of Medicine have a large number of annual prizes, awards and fellowships.
The Royal College of Surgeons of England have an annual scholarship, elective prize and intercalated degree award.
The Royal College of Physicians London has the Oscar Reginald Lewis Bequest which makes annual awards to students spending their elective period abroad.
The Royal College of Radiologists have undergraduate bursaries for medical students undertaking electives in clinical radiology and clinical oncology.
Wellbeing of Women award annual bursaries, part funded by the National Birthday Trust, to medical students whose electives are in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Neonatology and Midwifery.
Heart Research UK have regional intercalated BSc Scholarships for medical students specialising in heart research. The Wolfson Foundation have annual medical intercalated awards.
The Association of Commonwealth Universities have the Edward Boyle Memorial Trust medical elective bursaries.
The Institute of Medical Ethics have grants and awards available to support medical student electives and medical student intercalated scholarships on medical ethics.
Versus Arthritis has a scheme to offer musculoskeletal student electives.
The Medical Schools Council have Beit Trust medical elective bursaries for students undertaking medical electives in Southern Africa.
The Faculty of Occupational Medicine have Mobbs Student Electives Fellowships.
The Royal College of Psychiatrists have Pathfinder Fellowship awards for students in their penultimate year of study who are interested in pursuing a career in Psychiatry.
External annual prizes
The Royal Society of Medicine have a large number of annual prizes, awards and fellowships. |
The Royal College of Surgeons of England have an annual scholarship, elective prize and intercalated degree award. |
The Royal College of Psychiatrists have an annual medical student essay prize. |
The Royal College of Radiologists have four annual undergraduate prizes. |
The Medical Council on Alcohol hold an essay competition each year. |
The British Holistic Medical Association hold an annual essay competition for which the David Cobbold Essay Prize is awarded. |
The British Society for Dermatological Surgery have an annual essay prize for medical students. |
ASME (the Association for the Study of Medical Education) sponsors the Sir John Ellis Student Prizes available for both standard and intercalated degrees. |
The Faculty of Public Health award the Cochrane Prize to an undergraduate student each year. |
The Royal College of General Practitioners award an annual elective prize. |
The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene award an annual elective prize. |
The Pain Relief Foundation have an annual medical student essay prize. |
The British Society for Haematology have an annual medical student essay prize. |
The Dystonia Society have an annual Jackie Deakin essay competition. |