Postgraduate study awards and prizes

School of Psychology

Andrew Robertson Postgraduate Travel Bursary

Award type: Cheque
Amount: to be determined by the School

This bursary is awarded in memory of Andrew Robertson, a Keele graduate. It is available to postgraduate research students to make it possible for them to attend international conferences to give papers, to participate in poster displays, to undertake research trips or pieces of fieldwork, or similar activities. The bursary is awarded to members of Andrew Robertson's department: Psychology and Computer Science. Applications are invited annually and should be made to the Andrew Robertson Travel Bursary Committee via the Department of Psychology. Applications must provide a letter of support from their supervisor and documentation supporting all costs claimed. Awards are made at the discretion of the Andrew Robertson Travel Bursary Committee and if, in any year, the Committee feels it is not appropriate to make an award, the interest will be added to the capital sum.

This prize will be listed on the student transcript.

Ken J. Rotenberg Memorial Award for the Best Academic Masters Dissertation

Award type: Cheque or book token
Amount: £50

The award will be funded each year by Professor Ken J. Rotenberg. He will cover the cost of the cheque, the trophy, and the etching of the name of the winner of the award on the trophy each year.

Professor Ken J. Rotenberg was a faculty member in the School of Psychology at Keele University for over two decades. He has had an extensive list of publications in the field of Psychology, composed of books, chapters, and journal articles. Over the course of his academic career, he both led and taught across postgraduate modules and courses and supervised Masters theses.

The award will be granted each year to the student who has achieved the highest mark in their MSc dissertation on academic Psychology programmes. In the event that multiple students received the joint highest mark, a panel will convene to review the dissertations and will select the award recipient. The purpose of the award is to encourage the next generation of Psychology researchers.

This prize will appear on the HEAR/transcript and will be announced at graduation.

MSc Psychology Programmes Highest Achievement Award

Award type: Cheque
Amount: £100

This prize is awarded annually to the student who achieves the highest overall grade across any of the MSc Psychology programmes. If more than one student shares the highest overall grade then the prize will be shared by all students achieving the highest overall grade and the reward amount will be shared between all recipients.

This prize will be listed on the student transcript and will be announced at graduation.