Current research projects

Our research group is working on a number of research studies to gain a better understanding of inflammatory conditions and how to better diagnose and manage these conditions within primary care. Below is a catalogue of our current projects, which has been categorised by condition. If you have any queries or would like to find out more, then please e-mail

GCA (Giant Cell Arteritis)

Giant Cell Arteritis is a condition in which medium and large arteries, usually in the head and neck, become inflamed. 

  • GCA - Impact of Giant Cell Arteritis 


Gout is a common inflammatory arthritis triggered by crystalisation of uric acid within the joints. 

  • CONTACT - Colchicine Or Naproxen for Treatment of ACute gouT
  • The GOUT study - Prospective  observational study and quality of life in Gout
  • Gout and patient experiences - An understanding of people’s experiences of living with gout
  • Gout and Vascular diseases - To investigate the risk of incident cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in patients with gout
  • SAMBA - Staffordshire Arthritis Musculoskeletal and Back Assessment Study

PMR (Polmyalgia Rheumatica)

PMR is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and inflammation especially around the shoulders and hips

  • PMR - Impact of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
  • Physiotherapy in PMR - Survey of physiotherapist intervention with PMR patients
  • PMR - cohort study 
  • SAMBA - Staffordshire Arthritis Musculoskeletal and Back Assessment Study

Rheumatoid Arthritis

RA is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation (which leads to pain stiffness and swelling) in the joints. 

  • Tools to detect early inflammatory arthritis: a systematic review
  • RAQuest; Rheumatoid arthritis questionnaire for General Practitioners 
  • Joint symptoms questionnaire
  • Symptoms and signs preceding diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis: a matched case control study