Evidence-based Software Engineering

We are among the world leaders in the area of evidence-based software engineering. We have undertaken systematic reviews across a range of topics including software metrics research, global software development, the UML and methodological aspects of the systematic review process. Methodological studies have addressed such topics as search strategies, completeness, reliability and repeatability of systematic reviews.


Our Evidence-Based Software Engineering (EBSE) research has built on the foundational paper presented by Professor Barbara Kitchenham in 2004 at the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering. Our research has focused on transferring evidence-based practices to software engineering and in particular we are addressing methodological aspects of the systematic (literature) review process.

We have undertaken systematic reviews across a range of topics including software metrics research, global software development, the UML and methodological aspects of the systematic review process. Methodological studies have addressed such topics as search strategies, completeness, reliability and repeatability of systematic reviews.

A major outcome of our research is a set of recommendations for updating guidelines for systematic reviews. The updated guidelines form part of a book on EBSE: Kitchenham, B.A., Budgen, D. and Brereton, P., 2015. Evidence-Based Software engineering and systematic reviews (Vol. 4). CRC Press.