Keele celebrates World Mental Health Day

Keele will be celebrating World Mental Health Day on Thursday, 8 October. There will be a Display and Informational area in the University's Chancellor's Building. The event is being led by the University's Counselling and Mental Health Support Service, together with local partners from within and external to the University. A number of local statutory and third sector organisations have also been invited to be available to talk to people about what they do, how they do it and how they might be able to help students, staff and others with emotional, psychological and mental health difficulties.
On the day the University will be joined by Asist Advocacy, North Staffs Users Group, The Maccas Project (North Staffs Mind), Student Minds, Ask?, the NHS Early Intervention in Psychosis Team, North Staffs NHS Wellbeing Service, ECHO Mutual Support for People who Self-Harm, and the It's a Goal self-development initiative run by Keele University with its NHS partners. There will also be a demo table to promote SilverCloud Online CBT, now available to Keele students and staff. A 'butterfly' theme used to promote the event will feature in activities taking place in the display area.
Students, staff and friends of Keele University are welcome to attend. The event takes place from 10 am until 4 pm.
World Mental Health Day is the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. Every year - on October 10 - the world joins together in shining the spotlight on a particular aspect of mental ill health. The theme for 2015 is 'Dignity in Mental Health'. The World Health Organisation (WHO), which is the international authority involved in conceptualising and promoting mental health and illness, which affects people of all ages and from all walks of life will be raising awareness of what can be done to ensure that people with mental health conditions can continue to live with dignity, through human rights oriented policy and law, training of health professionals, respect for informed consent to treatment, inclusion in decision-making processes, and public information campaigns.
Read more about the WHO and World Mental Health Day at
#mentalhealth, #worldmentalhealthday2015, #DignityInMentalHealth, #PublicObservances — at World Health Organization (WHO).