
Sarah Hart came to Keele with an EPSRC International Life Science Interface Fellowship, worth £336,000, entitled “Development of Advanced Mass Spectrometric Approaches for the Analysis of the Proteome of Serum from Women with Pre-Eclampsia”.  This Fellowship enabled Sarah to work with the Zubarev lab in Sweden and the Burlingame lab at UCSF on electron-mediated peptide dissociation methods.

Sarah's post-doctoral Research work from 2003-07 was in the Michael Barber Centre for Mass Spectrometry at Manchester University, supervised by Prof Simon Gaskell, on a project entitled “Investigation of the African trypanosome flagellar proteome”.

Prior to that, her PhD in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology was at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University College London. Supervised by Prof Michael Waterfield, the thesis title was “The Analysis of Protein Phosphorylation Sites using Affinity Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry”.

Sarah directs the Keele University Mass Spectrometry Facility, based in the Huxley Building, alongside her research lab. Please feel free to contact Sarah to discuss potential collaborations and service work.

Research and scholarship

ISTM Research theme: Healthcare technologies

Link to: Keele Proteomics Mass Spectrometry Facility

My research interests are primarily in the field of biological mass spectrometry and its application to the improved understanding of biological and clinically-significant samples.

I have interests in the development of novel methods which improve our ability to process, analyse and derive valuable quantitative and qualitative information about the components of interest within complex biological samples. I have worked closely with industrial and academic partners to implement new methods in proteomics (Hart et al., J Am Soc Mass Spectrom., 2009).


I am interested in the gas-phase behaviour of large polypeptide ions (Lau et al., Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 2009), and in differences between the behaviour of product ions generated using different methods for fragmenting these polypeptides (Hart et al., Methods Mol. Biol. 2010).







At Keele Sarah is Research Strand Lead within the Medical School, and is closely involved with the INSPIRE team to embed research awareness in undergraduate medical education. Sarah co-leads Unit 1, Year 1 (Emergencies) and is co-lead for the Year 1 Publication Based Paper. Sarah is a tutor for Problem-Based Learning, Professional Development (PDT) and Enhanced Professional and Academic Student Support (EPASS), providing academic and pastoral support to students in preclinical years.

As a Post-Doc and then Research Fellow at the Michael Barber Centre for Mass Spectrometry, Manchester, Sarah managed and delivered the successful CPD course ‘Mass Spectrometry for Protein & Peptide Scientists’. She taught on the MRes in Post-Genome Science, and was module co-ordinator for programs on Manchester’s Doctoral Training Centre in Systems Biology and MRes in Translational Medicine.

Further information

Memberships of professional organisations and external roles:

Awarded Membership of the Royal Society for Chemistry (MRSC) in 2006.

Elected member of the British Mass Spectrometry Society committee and is currently Education secretary, heading the Education sub-committee.

Member of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry and the Biochemical Society.

Registered STEM Ambassador, and regularly takes part in public events promoting science and school events to help engage the next generation of young scientists, including Keele Community Day, I'm a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here! and regional Science Fairs.


Book Chapters

'A protocol for top down proteomics using HPLC and ETD/PTR-MS', SR Hart, in Methods in Molecular Biology, P.R. Cutillas Ed., 2011.

'Distributions of ion series in ETD and CAD spectra: making a comparison', SR Hart, KW Lau and SJ Hubbard, Methods in Molecular Biology 2010.

'Methods of proteome analysis: challenges and opportunities', SR Hart and SJ Gaskell, in Practical Systems Biology, 2008. A Hetherington; C Grierson Eds., Taylor & Francis Ltd, UK. ISBN: 9780415407809.

School address:
School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering
Hornbeam Building
Keele University

Research centre address:
School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering
Guy Hilton Research Centre
Thornburrow Drive

Undergraduate enquiries:
Tel: +44 (0)1782 734010

Postgraduate enquiries:
Please contact the CPD4ALL team:


Keele Centre for Medicines Optimisation (KCMO)
Tel: +44 (0)1782 733831 / 734131

The Virtual Patient project enquiries:
Contact our Digital Development team: