
Professor Josep Sulé-Suso qualified in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Barcelona. He trained in Oncology at the University Hospitals of North Midlands. He later furthered his research at the Instituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan, Italy. He presently combines his clinical duties at the Cancer Centre, University Hospitals of North Midlands with his research at ISTM.

Research and scholarship

ISTM Research theme: Therapeutics

Research Experience

Cancer immunotherapy, cancer cell biology, translational research, clinical trials, vibrational spectroscopy, synchrotron based FTIR spectroscopy, Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds for cancer diagnosis.

Research Funding

Funding period

Funding amount

Role of involvement

Project title

Source of funding



Principal investigator

Study of volatile organic compounds released by lung cells for early diagnosis of lung cancer

Slater & Gordon Health projects & Research Fund




Clinical Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy (CLIRSPEC)

EPSRC Network Grant, EP/L012952/1



Principal investigator

Lung cancer diagnosis through breath analysis

Cancer Research Fund, University Hospitals of North Midlands



Principal investigator

Joint PhD studentship

Diamond Light Source



Principal investigator

Diagnosis of lung cancer through breath analysis

Breath of Life Charity



Principal investigator

3D imaging for radiotherapy planning

The Dott Griffiths Fund



Principal investigator

The application of the Selected Ion Flow-Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS) in the management of lung cancer

Keele Acorn Studentship

Further information


  • 2003    PhD in Medicine, Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine, Keele University. Thesis: Autologous cell approaches to diagnosis and therapy in oncology.  Date of award: 04-06-2003
  • 1987    Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery, Barcelona, Catalonia.

Employment experience

  • 10/06 – Present Post      Clinical Senior Lecturer, Keele University.
  • 10/04 – 09/06               Clinical Lecturer, Keele University.
  • 11/03 – Present Post      Associate Specialist in Clinical Oncology. University Hospital of North Staffordshire.
  • 06/95 – 11/03                Staff Grade in Clinical Oncology. University Hospital of North Staffordshire.
  • 02/93 – 05/95                Research Fellow. Department of Experimental Oncology “D”, National Cancer Institute, Milan (Italy).
  • 11/88 – 12/92                Senior House Officer. University Hospital of North Staffordshire.

Professional activities

  • Chairman of the Working Group for the Infrared Beamline at DIAMOND synchrotron, Oxfordshire, 2013.
  • Member of the discussion panel: “Microscopy and Imaging in the Synchrotron Light”, organised by the French Embassy in London, at the Royal Society of Medicine, January, 2006
  • Theme leader for the Diagnostics, Proteomics and Imaging theme, Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine, Keele University from January 2013.
  • Member of the Peer Review Committee 5 «Biology-Health» of Soleil, Synchrotron, France. From February, 2012.
  • Expert member of the review panel for SMIS beamline, Soleil Synchrotron, France. October, 2012.
  • Member of the Diamond User committee, 2012-2014.

International advisory board member

  • Spec2014. Shedding new light on disease, Krakow, Poland. August, 2014
  • Spec2012. Shedding new light on disease, Chiang Mai, Thailand. November, 2012.
  • Spec2010, June 2010, Manchester UK, member of the local organising committee.
  • 3rd Diagnostic Applications with Synchrotron Infrared Micro-Spectroscopy Meeting, DASIM-2007. Soleil synchrotron, Paris, France.
  • 4th International Symposium “Shedding Light on Disease: Optical Diagnosis for the New Millennium”. Heidelberg, Germany. June 2006


  • External examiner for the PhD thesis: “The development of an infrared method for the characterisation of drug-cell interactions”. The University of Manchester, September 2014.
  • Internal examiner for the PhD thesis: “The aggregation and reduction of iron minerals by the Alzheimer’s disease peptide β-amyloid (1-42): an X-ray absorption study”. Keele University, September, 2014.
  • External examiner for the MSc (by research) thesis: “Investigating the use of Raman spectroscopy as a histopathological tool to identify metastatic brain tumours and their sites of origin”. University of Central Lancaster, Preston, December, 2013.
  • External examiner for the PhD thesis: “Development of a micro fluidic device for single cell analysis using FTIR microscopy”. The University of Manchester, September 2013.
  • External examiner for the PhD thesis: “Metabolic responses to fatty acids studied in vitro by FTIR and NMR spectroscopy”. Århus University, Denmark, October 2011.11.
  • External examiner for the PhD thesis: “Development of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for drug response analysis”. The University of Manchester, September 2011.

Invited speaker

  • Does VERT improve patients and relatives treatment satisfaction? 4thInternational VERT User Meeting, LiverpoolUniversity. June 2014.
  • Vibrational Spectroscopy and effects of drugs on cells. Can we identify resistant and sensitive cells in chemotherapy naive populations? Spec2012. Shedding New Light on Disease: optical diagnosis for the new millennium. Chiang Mai, Thailand. November, 2012.
  • Synchrotron based FTIR spectroscopy. Is there a niche in medicine? SOLEIL Users' Meeting Satellite Workshop "Biology and medicine: from fundamental research to diagnosis". Soleil Synchrotron, France, January, 2012.
  • Nanoscale imaging in medicine: is there a niche? CellNano Spec Workshop. Porqueroles, France. September, 2011.

PhD supervision

Application of vibrational spectroscopy in the management of lung cancer. Mr J. K. Pijanka, 2011.

Press interviews

  • “Brightest light in Universe to examine lung cancer cells”, by James Randerson. The Guardian 7th July, 2006.
  • “Research at Diamond Synchrotron”, BBC 10 o’clock News (national news), 11th June, 2010.



Science in school program

Dr Sulé-Suso has been involved with the British Council in a French programme to bring Science into schools since 2010.


Languages:       Catalan, Spanish, English, Italian, and French.

School address:
School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering
Hornbeam Building
Keele University

Research centre address:
School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering
Guy Hilton Research Centre
Thornburrow Drive

Undergraduate enquiries:
Tel: +44 (0)1782 734010

Postgraduate enquiries:
Please contact the CPD4ALL team:


Keele Centre for Medicines Optimisation (KCMO)
Tel: +44 (0)1782 733831 / 734131

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