Regulation C7: Taught Postgraduate Degrees
(formerly Regulation 2A: Modular Postgraduate Courses, Excluding Professional Doctorates and Research Degrees)
This regulation covers all postgraduate taught degrees at Level 7 and sets out the fundamental structure of a postgraduate taught programme and the requirements to obtain an award. Where there are programme specific deviations or exemptions from the University's Regulations, these will be set out in the relevant Programme Specification.
2. Admission
By accepting a place at the University, you confirm that you will abide by the University's rules, regulations and policies as set out in the Keele Policies and Regulations.
3. Programmes of Study
3.1 You must enrol or re-register for your programme of study prior to each coming academic year by the deadline, which will be notified to you by the University.
3.2 You can change your programme of study until three weeks from the start of a semester subject to the approval of the receiving Head(s) of School or nominee and depending on having met the pre-requisite academic requirements of your new programme.
3.3 You will not normally be permitted to change your modules later than three weeks after the start of the semester.
3.4 You may include in your Keele programme of study a limited number of modules from another higher education institution in the UK or abroad, if this constitutes part of a formal exchange scheme or credit transfer agreement, subject to the University's Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy. Where you are admitted with recognition of prior learning or with advanced standing, the value and level of credits recognised by the University in relation to meeting the requirements above will be determined in line with the policy.
3.5 You cannot study modules outside of your programme of study, other than language modules offered by the Language Centre.
4. Maximum Period of Registration
4.1 The maximum period of registration to complete your programme of study is stated in Regulation C1.
5. Modules and Awards
5.1 Modules
a) All programmes of study covered in this regulation are modular. The credit value for any module is a multiple of 5, and no module has a value of less than 10. 1 credit equals 10 learning hours.
b) Modules are compulsory or optional depending on your programme of study.
c) Where a module is available for more than one programme, its status as a compulsory or optional module may vary between programmes.
d) Any module may have prerequisites, co-requisites and barred combinations and this is set out in the module descriptor.
e) Any module may be offered in semester one, semester two, over both semesters, or outside the approved semester dates.
f) Each module will be allocated to a specific level of study and can normally only be taken at that level, with the exception of language modules, which can be taken at more than one level of study. On taught postgraduate programmes at Level 7, exceptionally a small amount of modules allocated to Level 6 may be included in the approved programme structure as set put in the programme specification. The volume of Level 6 credit is limited by the credit requirements set out in Regulation E1.
5.2 For modules at Level 7, the pass mark for assessed work will be 50%. Where Level 6 modules are included in a programme leading to an award at Level 7, the pass mark for assessed work remains at 40%.
5.3 Any fieldwork requirements shall form part or all of one or more specified modules subject to any timetabling or other constraints. Any fieldwork may be scheduled either within the approved semester dates, or at other times.
5.4 Masters Degrees
For a Masters Award, you must be awarded at least 180 credits, including at least 150 credits at Level 7. This will include a module / modules to the equivalence of at least 30 credits of independent study, such as a dissertation, placement or independent project.
5.5 Masters Degrees 'with Placement'
a) For Masters Degree 'with Placement', in addition to being awarded at least 180 credits undertaken as per 5.4 above, you must also undertake an extended placement.
b) The placement must take place in an approved work setting and if you fail to successfully complete the requirements of the placement you will revert to the standard version of your programme.
5.6 Postgraduate Diploma
For a Postgraduate Diploma, you must be awarded 120 credits, including at least 90 credits at Level 7.
5.7 Postgraduate Certificate
For a Postgraduate Certificate you must be awarded 60 credits, including at least 45 credits at Level 7.
The rules describing the assessment and reassessment of modules are provided in Regulation D1.
The rules for repeating modules are provided in Regulation D2..
Where your programme of study allows the awarding of credit through compensation of modules, this is detailed in Regulation D5.
The rules for classifying Masters Degrees are described in Regulation D2.
Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates are not classified.