Green Impact re-launches for 2014-15

Posted on 20 October 2014

Green Impact Green Impact the national staff sustainability engagement scheme was re-launched for its second year this week by Professor Mark Ormerod, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) and current institutional lead for Environment and Sustainability. 

The competition works by teams using a simple online workbook to gain Bronze, Silver and Gold accreditation, covering areas of sustainability such as energy use and reduction, resource management, wellbeing and equality and diversity.

The second launch event was very well attended with staff and students from a range of academic schools and central services sharing their experiences from the first year and plans for the coming year’s programme.

Last year 21 teams covering over half the buildings on campus participated giving Keele significant national profile for the high level of staff engagement, in addition to embedding many excellent new sustainability initiatives.  We are very keen to build on this success this year and to see new staff teams participating.