Keele Music Forum: Victoria Soames Samek

Music Talk

Performing at your best consistently. A Scientific Approach to Practice In fulfillment of Performance.

Victoria Soames Samek: international renowned performing artist, professor of clarinet and saxophone, founder of the specialist CD label Clarinet & Saxophone Classics and director of Samek Music, with a Masters in Performance Science, delivers a talk which promises to be both entertaining and personal.
Taking you on her life journey she discusses how, in her uncompromising pursuit of excellence, she has combined creativity with sound scientific concepts to develop a unique approach to preparing for performance.

Simplifying complex tasks into individual components alongside a structured but flexible framework, she uses an organised, systematic approach. She has developed a unique and innovative concept which offers the framework for a diagnostic road map for practice in establishing a blueprint of instruction for performance. She calls her approach Organise-Prioritise-Commit (OPC).

OPC uses a pragmatic, formalised structure which is grounded in science and practical models; it also offers descriptive suggestions aiding analysis and self-reporting skills which in turn help users to deal with the psychological impact of stresses in performance.
Her methodical, measured approach makes a compelling argument for science to be used in partnership with artistic creativity, and establishes clear and methodical pathways from practice through to a sensitive, controlled and musical performance


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Clock House Lecture Room
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01782 734340