Fellowship opportunities

Fellowships provide an opportunity to undertake independent research and can lead to the formation of your own research group. These awards are usually fixed term posts designed to develop an academic career.

Benefits include:

  • Independent research
  • Career progression
  • Protected research time
  • Prestige for both the individual and the hosting Institution
  • An attractive academic CV

At Keele, we assist researchers to obtain these prestigious awards.

RaISE (Research and Innovation Support Enhancement) is the professional services team responsible for supporting the development of research projects involving Keele University and its external partners.

This support is necessary due to the range of providers that exist to promote an academic discipline, from charities to industrial organisations, in the UK and abroad and each will have their own specific criteria.

The RaISE team will help you to:

  • Plan your research project in the development phase
  • Organise project costings and price the project
  • Check that the project is deliverable and that there are the right facilities and support available within the University
  • Put any contracts in place that you need for the project
  • Guide you through what you need to do to meet regulatory requirements.

To request support towards a Fellowship bid, you can either go to the relevant Faculty contact listed on the How do I get support page or email research.raise@keele.ac.uk.

To attend a training session for advice on opportunities available and application hints and tips, please visit keele.ac.uk/research/raise/researchtalks/.

Sign up for email alerts from funding bodies of interest to you.

Regularly review the current Fellowship opportunities section (above).

Discuss your project with School Research Leads.

Once you have a project and funding scheme in mind, contact the RaISE team. The KDA can also provide suggestions/key contacts for individuals who have had success previously, to aid your project design and application submission.

There may be a cap on the number of applicants the University is allowed to submit to a call. RaISE will check this and will liaise with Faculty and University contacts to ensure submission rules are adhered to across the University.

RaISE will also advise you on the internal submission process, how to obtain costings or check the deliverables of your project and any contract requirements etc.

Training sessions are organised on a regular basis, to provide advice on opportunities available and application hints and tips. For information on up and coming events, please visit keele.ac.uk/research/raise/researchtalks/.

If your application relies on input from others, contact those individuals early, giving them plenty of notice. This includes RaISE, Line Managers and potential collaborators, make it clear what you expect of them and how they will support your application.

Include evidence of your track record i.e your conference attendance and publications (including numbers and quality). For advice on your CV, please visit the VITAE website here.

Detail why Keele needs to be the host institution – RaISE can help by providing you with information on previous grant success, PGR student numbers, relevant awards/schemes, expertise and facilities etc. 

Check you have access to Je-S (or equivalent). You may need to activate your account.

When you receive a response to your application, carefully consider it before commenting and seek advice from RaISE and/or Research Leads if ever unsure.

Be prepared – check the interview time and location and your route there.

Ensure any supporting documents you are asked to bring i.e presentations are in the desired format and fit the criteria given.

If you can, find out who is on the panel and undertake some background research on those panel members.

Consider some of the questions you might be asked and formalise a possible response in preparation i.e where does this research fit within the broader subject area?

The RaISE team can organise panel mock-interviews with feedback. To log a request for this service, please email research.raise@keele.ac.uk.