What you can do

to say #NeverOK to racism

Listen, learn, search, reflect and become a better ally. Knowledge is important when it comes to being a better ally and educating yourself is a great first step to take. There are many resources out there from films, books, documentaries, podcasts, and articles, so you can learn in several ways. Take the time to listen, learn, research, and reflect. There are some resources listed on our help and support page to help you get started.

if you see behaviour that makes your or others feel uncomfortable, call it out, that includes banter and jokes. Any type of speech either online or in person which discriminates, prejudices, or offends is wrong and using your privilege to educate others in a respectable way is a great thing to do. It is also important to remember that our campus is a global community where there are many different cultures and norms. What may be acceptable behaviour in one place may not be in others.

If you see or hear behaviour which is not acceptable, take the time to politely explain to the person why its not okay to say those things. It may take a bit of practice and don't worry if you are nervous doing this for the first time. We also have some tips for using social media wisely.

Step up to offer your support, if it feels safe, if you see or hear something you think is wrong or if certain behaviour is clearly making others uncomfortable. If you see any behaviour that makes other uncomfortable, offer support, if it feels safe. It is important to be an active bystander and to offer comfort and support to the victim of any unacceptable behaviour. Be aware of your surroundings, assess the situation and think if someone needs help, intervene safely and deescalate the situation.

If the situation is dangerous call the police on 999 or 112 or Campus Safety on +44(0)1782 733 999. You can also visit Student Services or ASK at the Students' Union to talk about the incident. You can read more about how to see an active bystander here

This isn’t just the things which are overtly racist, but the “small” things too, that you know make you/a friend feel uncomfortable. Most people will welcome the opportunity to be educated, and having it explained to them politely will probably be an experience which makes them think twice before saying or doing that thing again. Find out more on our help and support page.

It's not enough just to say 'I'm not racist'. We all have a part to play in tackling racism by being actively anti-racist. We can do this by working to change policies, behaviours, and beliefs that perpetuate racist ideas and actions.
