Transitioning to University

Your voice led to...

Transitioning to Uni is a topic which was discussed at our first event in November 2019. The expanable boxes below demonstrate how the words of our Keele 100 attendees have been turned into action to date. 

The September 2020 induction will be different. We’re introducing an orientation programme that will include project-based learning to help new students meet each other and their teaching team, and to get used to the campus.

We’re excited about it, so thank you for all of your fantastic feedback.

The September 2020 induction will be different. We’re introducing an orientation programme that will include project-based learning to help new students meet each other and their teaching team, and to get used to the campus.

We’re excited about it, so thank you for all of your fantastic feedback.

The September 2020 induction will be different. We’re introducing an orientation programme that will include project-based learning to help new students meet each other and their teaching team, and to get used to the campus.

We’re excited about it, so thank you for all of your fantastic feedback.

We now put on regular film nights and crafternoons. There’s also Chancellor’s Tuesday socials every week 18:00-20:00 in the informal learning space.

We think we’ve made it easier for you to see all of the activities run by the SU and KPA (on the Keele What’s On app) too.

For the 2020 intake, we’re updating the e-Induction and taking an extra careful look at how we cover consent.

We’re working on updating the Keele app now and, by June 2020, we’ll have incorporated the information from the What’s On app into the main Keele app.

Not got it?Just search ‘Keele’ in your app store (iOS and Android).

We’d love it if you’ve got any suggestions about what should go on the app. Please give us your feedback or make a suggestion!

The SU have invested in the ground floor space and created the living room, with funky furniture and an activities table which is being well used, for example on our crafternoons!

We’re also investing in better seating for the Union kitchen.