
After 40 years in the Department of Mathematics, I retired as Professor of Applied Mathematics in 2000. I hold a BSc degree (1956) in Mathematics and PhD (1959) in Fluid Dynamics both from Nottingham University.

Research and scholarship

Since retirement, I have written and revised, with co-authors, six books and several associated websites, some of which are listed under Publications. Current research interests are in neuroscience in the application of probability and combinatorial models for testing the significance of repeating patterns in neural data sequences. This is a joint work with the University of California at Davis.


Selected publications

  • A set probability technique for detecting relative time order across multiple neurons, Neural Computation 18 (2006) 1-18 (with A.C. Smith).
  • Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, (2007) 531pp (with D.W. Jordan).
  • Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations: A Source Book for Scientists and Engineers, Oxford University Press (2007) 587pp (with D. W. Jordan).
  • Mathematical Techniques, 4th edition, Oxford University Press (2008) 976pp (with D.W. Jordan)
  • Stochastic Processes: An Introduction, 2nd edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2009) 221pp (with P.W. Jones)
  • Probability of repeating patterns in simultaneous neural data, Neural Computation 22 (2010) 2522-2536  (with A.C. Smith, V.K. Nguyen, M.P. Karlsson, and L.M. Frank).

School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Keele University