
I received an MSc in Information Technology in 2001 and completed my PhD at Keele University in 2007 under the supervision of Professor Pearl Brereton, which was entitled "Controlling Access to Distributed Data Services". While studying for my PhD I worked as a research assistant on two EPSRC-funded projects, investigating data integration using Web services and applying evidence-based practices in software engineering. After my PhD I worked as a Lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics and then worked for a while in industry. Since February 2017, I have worked as an Academic Support Officer in the School.

Research and scholarship

My main research interests are in evidence-based software engineering, service-based software engineering, and access control. Along with Professor Pearl Brereton and Dr Mahmood Niazi, I have recently been awarded a two-year Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship grant to fund a researcher to work within the software engineering research group at Keele. I am a member of the Software Engineering research group within the School and am also a member of the Research Institute for the Environment, Physical Sciences and Applied Mathematics (EPSAM).


  • CSC-20002/CSC-20014: Database Systems
  • CSC-30018: IT Architectures (Module leader)
  • CSC-40025 Systems Analysis
  • CSC-40022 Systems Design


Main roles

  • Examinations Officer (Computing)
  • BCS accreditation coordinator
  • Early Resolution Officer
  • Timetabling
  • Workplace Safety Officer (Mathematics)

Research themes


School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Keele University