
I have researched and taught in the area of online human behaviour for 18 years, looking into the design, usability and impact of digital products as well as uses of the information that they collect. I have worked at Keele since 2014 in the School of Computer Science and Mathematics, holding the roles of Programme Director and Director of Education. My work has received funding of around £1.67 million equivalent from funders such as the AHRC, EPSRC, HEFCE, OfS and KTP and I have an established national profile in Education, recognised through Senior Fellowship of the HEA.

I have previously worked as a Principal Lecturer at the University of Greenwich, and a Researcher at City University, London.


PhD Computer Science, Keele University
MSc I.T., Keele University
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences, King's College London
SFHEA Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

External recognition

  • External Examiner at Harper Adams University - MSc Data Science for Global Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2021-2025)
  • External Assessor at Middlesex University - MSc User Experience Design (2021)
  • External Examiner at Department of Computer Science, Brunel University – BSc Computer Science (2019-2023)
  • External Assessor at School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Bangor University (2019)
  • External Adviser at University of Greenwich – Postgraduate Computing Programmes (2018)
  • External Examiner at Glasgow Caledonian University - BSc Computer Games: Indie Development (2014-2018)
  • External Adviser at University of Worcester – MComp (2016)
  • PhD Internal Examiner (3 Vivas, 2017 - current)
  • Guest Editor and Editorial Board Member for Compass: The Journal of Learning and Teaching (from 2010)
  • Reviewer for International Journal of Medical Informatics, Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Cognitive Systems Research, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, JMIR Serious Games, Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering, Methods of Information in Medicine, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ecological Informatics.
  • Programme Chair for BCS HCI 2020 Conference (postponed to 2022).
  • Organising Committee member for One-day symposium on Ethnicities, Counter-publics, Appropriation and Social Media 2017, APT 2012-2018, ACM Digital Health 2015-2016, eHealth 2009-2011
  • TPC and Reviewer for IEEE Globecom: Workshop on the Social Collaborative Internet, e-Health 2013-2015, IADIS International Conference e-Health 2012-2020, Employer Engagement in a Digital Age 2012, COGNITIVE 2009.
  • Poster/Demo Chair for ACM Digital Health 2016 at WWW2016, ACM Digital Health 2015 at WWW2015.
  • Poster Chair for eHealth 2011, eHealth 2010
  • Reviewer for British HCI 2018-2021, BCS International Software Quality Management (SQM) and INSPIRE conferences

Research and scholarship

I am currently interested in the following areas:
  • Usability, User-centred Design and Requirements’ elicitation
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Learning Analytics
  • eHealth
  • eLearning
  • Visualisation
Funded research projects
  • Principal Investigator on Breath of Life funded (£9,622) “User modelling, adaptation and personalisation for Clinical Guidelines Mobile Apps” (January 2021-2023) 
  • Principal Investigator on Bedside Clinical Guidelines Partnership funded (£97,411) Bedside Clinical Guidelines App: Stage 2 (January 2021-2023)
  • Co-Investigator on QR funded (£13,000) “Developing strategies to ensure that those in digital poverty are not excluded from the implementation of the NHS digital policies.”
  • Co-Investigator on AHRC funded (£415,968) “#ContestingIslamophobia: Representation and appropriation in mediated activism” (September 2020-2023).
  • Principal Investigator on Office for Students funded (£624,556) “Employer and Student-Centred Design of a Conversion MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (with degree pathways)” (April 2020-2023).
  • Co-Investigator on RDF funded (£1,330) “User centered design of decision support tools for physiotherapists in the assessment and management of paediatric shoulder instability”. (2019-2020)
  • Principal Investigator on Jisc funded (£19,980) “Embedding Learning Analytics into Programme Review and Curriculum Design” (2019-2020).
  • Co-Investigator on ILAS/KISI Funded Workshops (£3,748) “Shared Parenting in Post Separation/Divorce Families” (2018).
  • Principal Investigator on HEFCE Catalyst Funded (£99,790) “Learner Centred Design for Learning Analytics”. (2016-2018).
  • PhD studentship award from the University Hospitals of North Midlands (UHNM) Trust Charity and ACORN (£56,244) “Guidelines for the Production of Medical Guideline Mobile Applications” (2017-2020).
  • Co-Investigator on British Council/Newton Funded (£37,500) “Towards Precision Agriculture” (2017-2018).
  • Co-Investigator on British Academy Grant (£9,357) “Who speaks for Muslims? Political frictions and the politics of appropriation in social media” (2017).
  • PhD studentship award from the Libyan Government (£51,000) for an “Investigation into the issues surrounding the acceptance of VLEs for e-Learning” (2016-2019).
  • Co-Investigator on KTP awarded project (£131,004) with KBC Process Technology Ltd (2016-2018).
  • Principal Investigator on TIPS funded project (£4,315.10) on “Factors for Consideration in Learning Analytics” (2015-2016).
  • Funding for Graduate Internships (equiv. £5,000) with Social Care Network Solutions Ltd on a Mobile Motivation Project (2015).
  • Co-Investigator on EPSRC Funded iCase Studentship (£68,000) in Real-Time Data Analytics in Social Media (2013-2016).
  • Co-supervising a PhD (equiv. £14,182) with the Department of Family Care and Mental Health, University of Greenwich investigating Mental Health Issues and Social Media (2013-2020).
  • Early Career Researcher Moodle Project Grant (£1,000) for set up and service of an ECR Moodle page (2012).
  • Co-Investigator /Technical lead on TQE funded “Social Bookmarking” project (£5,000), which investigated the use of social bookmarking by 200 students and lecturers.
  • City Commercialisation Grant (£1,000) to fund an MBA student Summer Internship (2009).
  • Funding from CODEE (£750) for development of online games to teach differential equations in U.S. Universities (2008).
  • Mercia Spinner Grant (£7,000) for research into the potential uses of elicitation methodologies (2007).
  • Collaborator on “Software Visualisation” project (£1,000) with researchers at the Open University (2006).
  • Management of TE3 grant funded (£10,000) “Multimedia Marketing Resource Kit” project (2006).
  • Developer of online resources as part of the TE3 grant funded (£1,000) “Virtual Interviews with micro business entrepreneurs” project (2005).


  • CSC-10040 Introduction to Interaction Design
  • CSC-10056 Communication, Confidence and Competence
  • GCP-10005 A digital life: challenges and opportunities
  • CSC-20041 Software Engineering
  • CSC-30021 Computing in Education
  • CSC-40102 AI and Data Science Ambassador Scheme

Further information


Research themes

Software engineering

School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Keele University