Forum for Philosophical Research

"The pursuit of truth in the company of friends."

A. D. Lindsay, Professor of Philosophy and Founder of Keele University

The Keele Forum for Philosophical Research coordinates research activities in philosophy at Keele University. These include:

  • The Rousseau Annual Lecture and Conference;
  • The Royal Institute of Philosophy Invited Lectures;
  • ERASMUS international exchange talks and workshops;
  • Postgraduate Research Seminars;
  • Reading groups, special lectures, and other events.
  • The Forum also provides a centre for the activities of the UK Kant Society and of the Kantian Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research.

Keele has enjoyed a strong reputation for research in philosophy since the 1950s, with well-known Keele philosophers including Antony Flew, Richard Swinburne, Jonathan Dancy, David McNaughton, G.A.J. Rogers, Ian Rumfitt, André Gallois, Alan Montefiore, Philip Stratton-Lake and many others.

The Forum currently has research strengths in many of the main areas of philosophy, with particular expertise in the following areas: metaphilosophy, Kantian philosophy (all areas), the philosophy of mind and action, the history of philosophy (with specialisation in several leading figures including Anne Conway, Kant, Schopenhauer, Collingwood, Rorty), metaphysics of science, natural and social kinds, political theory, philosophy of religion, nihilism and the meaning of life. There are additional strengths in environmental philosophy, meta-ethics and normative ethics.