Research areas, groups and networks
Medicine and primary care
Our research spans the translational pathway from pre-clinical research to health and social care delivery and education, applying research to tackle the most challenging health problems faced by patients, clinicians, clinical educators, and societies across the world. We are nationally and internationally recognised for interdisciplinary health research in our key areas of strength (including musculoskeletal health, mental health and well-being, clinical education, cardiovascular disease, prognosis and big data research). We offer a platform for novel and promising methodological research and pedagogical research in medical education.
We provide an inclusive, dynamic research and training environment committed to open science and research integrity. We attract, retain, and develop a talented and diverse research workforce. Our teams are supported by a strong research and implementation infrastructure, integrated clinical partnerships, patient and public involvement, and (inter)national collaborations, in order to accelerate early adoption of best evidence into policy and practice, and of methodological innovation into research application.
We lead the NIHR School for Primary Care Research and based on our research in pain and arthritis. We are a EULAR Centre of Excellence and have been recognised as the Primary Care Centre of Excellence Versus Arthritis.